Selasa, 04 September 2012

SO 3MIN News Sept 4, 2012: Magnetic Instability & Birth of a Coronal Hole

SuspiciousObservers outlines some of the physical events on our planet yesterday.  We awaiting the impact of an earthbound CME tomorrow, and because we are still currently experiencing the tail end of a geomagnetic storm, let's cross our fingers that it doesn't get too crazy.

I will tell you that the freak storm in Malta was unbelievable- THIS is NOT normal for Malta

As I discussed last month, there have been swarms of shallow low grade earthquakes in the area of the Greek Island- literally hundreds.  In the past month there have been 652 earthquakes of 2.5 magnitude or greater and 487 of them were 10km deep OR LESS.

EMSC today- one month, 2.5 mag or greater

Even more worrying is the continuous stream of earthquakes happening around the Virgin Island in the Caribbean. 371 earthquakes in the past 7 DAYS of 2.5 or greater.

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