Rabu, 11 April 2012

Facebook in 5 Minutes - Pin to the Top

Today's Tip is centered on promoting your Facebook Business Page by 'pinning' a post to the top of your business page. Let's say you post an article once a week or you're running a limited time promotion - Facebook allows you to anchor a post or story to the top of your page for up to 7 days.

Why should I Pin a Post?
You have 7-10 seconds to make an impression on a vistor to your page. To make the most of your time, you might want to consider 'pinning' a post for the following reasons.
• You post often to Facebook but you want one story to remain first.
• You want new visitors to see a specific post
• You're offering a limited offer or special that you want everyone to be reminded of when visiting your page.
• You have an upcoming event.
• You have an AWESOME post that you want everyone to notice.

How to Pin a Post?
For this exercise, we suggest you take yesterday's tip (post an incentive to become a fan) and pin it to the top of your page. Of course, you can choose to pin a different post.
• Go into your Facebook Business Page
• Find your post from yesterday that offered your fans an exclusive savings, special, etc.
• Hover on the post with your mouse - two buttons will appear in the left corner (star & pencil)
• Click on the pencil
• Click 'Pin to Top'

A little orange flag will appear in the corner of the post and it will be moved to the top of your wall. That's it - you're done!

Time for Action
Now is the time - don't put it off until later - take 5 minutes or less to pin a valuable post to the top of your page. Remember this will only last for 7 days. As you continue, pick posts that offer valuable content for new and current visitors. Providing exclusive content, specials, etc makes your fans feel special and informed which is crucial to retention and maximizing the power of social media. It only takes 5 minutes!

Facebook in 5 Minutes in April from Qlixite
Everyday we will be posting fast and easy (& Free) ways to get more out of your Facebook Business page. Become a Fan so you don't miss out!

We are not affiliated with Facebook in anyway. All of these tips are based on our own knowledge and research of public resources

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