Today's Tip is centered on promoting your Facebook Business Page by treating your fans 'differently' than regular customers. Fans (People who 'Like" your page) want to be treated differently. Fans like to think they have "insider" information. A Facebook business page is the perfect place to reward fans because they have specifically chosen to associate themselves with your brand in front of all their friends. In the offline world, this is equivalent to putting your bumper sticker on their car.
How Can I Make Fans Feel Special?
Give your visitors a reason to become a fan that gives them an advantage over regular customers or even non-customers.
• 'Like' Us for exclusive offers
• Facebook Fans Get 15% Off
• First Look at Coupons for Fans
• Free givaway for Fans with Purchase
Always put yourself in your fans shoes - make the posts valuable and worth their loyalty and their time and you will reap the rewards
Why is it Worth it?
• You're giving a reason for people to 'Like' your page
• When they 'like' your page - they will see your posts on their newsfeed
• Their friends will see that they 'Like' you and any interaction they have with your page
• They will be more likely to 'Share' with their friends so their friends can save too
This is your opportunity to get the feedback that is so critical for a business owner. Test the waters and offer a loss leader to see who's watching and who is sharing about you.
Time for Action
Now is the time - don't put it off until later - take 5 minutes or less to create an exclusive offer just for your fans. This doesn't have to be complex or a huge savings but make it something you think your customers would be interested in. Then go into your page and post your exclusive deal. Be sure to say that ONLY fans get the discount. You should also promote this at your place of business with a sign or even on your company vehicle.
Providing exclusive content, specials, etc makes your fans feel special and informed which is crucial to retention and maximizing the power of social media. It only takes 5 minutes to get rolling!
Providing exclusive content, specials, etc makes your fans feel special and informed which is crucial to retention and maximizing the power of social media. It only takes 5 minutes to get rolling!
Facebook in 5 Minutes in April from Qlixite
Everyday we will be posting fast and easy (& Free) ways to get more out of your Facebook Business page. Become a Fan so you don't miss out!
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