Rabu, 04 April 2012

Facebook in 5 Minutes - The F Badge

Today's Tip is centered on promoting your Facebook Business Page with a badge. A badge is a graphic that can be linked to a location on the internet - in this case it is the infamous 'F' that links to your Facebook page.

Where Do I Put the Badge?
• Your Website - make sure it links to your page and opens 'in a new window' so people can check out your Facebook page without leaving your website.
• Your Email Signature - make it easy for people to connect with you on all social media sites by placing a badge or at least a link to your page.
• Your business card & marketing media - yes, even though it is not a link-able item, you need to tell EVERYONE that they can connect with you on Facebook.

Get a Badge Now
• You can type 'Facebook Badge' into a search engine and scan dozens of images to find a variety of badges.
• You or your graphic designer can design a badge that matches your website/business
• You can right-click and save one of the graphics below. These are PNG files so they have transparent background (meaning you can place them on any color background without a box around them).

Time for Action
Now is the time - don't put it off until later - take 5 minutes or less to download one of these badges and commit to put it EVERYWHERE - your website, your business cards, your emails, your brochures...your car or truck graphics!

Qlixite has instructions for how to put a badge & link for Facebook, Twitter, Blogger and YouTube on your email that you can read here.

Facebook in 5 Minutes in April from Qlixite
Everyday we will be posting fast and easy (& Free) ways to get more out of your Facebook Business page. Become a Fan so you don't miss out!

We are not affiliated with Facebook in anyway. All of these tips are based on our own knowledge and research of public resources.

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