Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

THE ONE PEOPLE show – May 27th- Summary

THE ONE PEOPLE show – May 27th(US) / 28th (Australia) – Ginger’s Notes

Since there are nearly ten One People’s ground crew in Morocco (and all with their kids) combined with the fact that they have to be on the show between 1-3 am in the morning now! . . . it’s a bit challenging . . .

Plus, as I listened to last week’s Collective Imagination show and today’s show, it really feels to me that there is not a lot new to share with listeners (other than what they already have in the past shows, so good for newbies) . . . AND because . . . it is already DONE!

However, I highly recommend listening to this show because I felt very connected with everyone in Morocco upon a wide band of rich emotions, and it was all beautiful . . .

Also in the first 30 minutes of show, Chris and some others go over a few updates and announcements (most already covered on last week’s shows, with a few new) . . .

And Bethany Truex was sharing what she has been doing coordinating how we can all start with working with the absolute data exchange (website being evolved to send out emails and educating re foreclosures) here - http://www.absolute-data-exchange.com/ . . . as we are approaching a time where we need to present massive info to banks, government, media, law enforcement, courts, et al . . . where you will soon be able ask for a geographic location and send out all the appropriate information via emails globally, as well as how to deal with spam filter systems (as it must come from each of us) . . . (and about 22mins into show) is how to do this . . .

And finally noting that the banks are most important to do first, as they are pivotal in controlling our cash, therefore enslavement.

It was noted that in our geopolitical world, politicians are being exposed everywhere and faster by the day for their lying and cheating . . . “it’s like watching the fall of Babylon”

Note: Below please find the 10-34 minute segment of show fully transcribed, as there was important information the transcriber team felt needed more detail:

Chris:  So Lisa while you’re working on that shall I go through the Absolute Data Exchange update with Bethany?

Lisa:  Please.

Chris:  So folks, we have on at the moment Bethany Truex who has been working with the Absolute Data Exchange team and doing a fantastic job in her capacity of chief maker of email lists, coordinator of harvesting of email data.  Now just to give everybody, those who aren’t aware of the Absolute Data Exchange, information about what it is, it’s a website that’s being evolved to enable mass email mail outs.  The specific purpose of those is to front those aspects of the system that are misbehaving; the foreclosed entities who are still behaving as if what they’re doing is real and to bring to their attention that they’re acting unlawful. 

Now the website’s been under development for probably about a month and a half.  It’s actually a merging of two technologies that have never been merged before, a particular open source database and I think a Wordpress front end that’s being used. 

The technical crew in the background that just formed spontaneously; there’s Ian in London, and Rob, I’m not sure where Rob is, Brad here in Melbourne, and Linda Rays of Sunshine who is in Perth.  Then there’s our guest today, Bethany Truex, who I believe is in Minnesota in the USA.  Bethany’s been extremely busy, she’s actually the person who put up the OPPT Success Stories page, and she volunteered to be the U.S. coordinator for gathering email addresses for this particular project. Then she more or less went global because obviously she’s very good at it. So hello Bethany, how are you?

Bethany:  Hello, I’m very honored to be here with you, thank you.

Chris:  Now you’ve been working particularly hard on gathering email addresses.

Bethany:  Yes, I’m more of a coordinator, not so much a collector, yeah.

Chris:  As long as it actually happens because the difficulty with the emails is the difficulty of getting accurate email addresses.  There’s a lot of email addresses out there, you can gather them and use them but you find you get a lot of bounce backs because the information is out of date.  I believe there’s a bit of technology the team has acquired for checking the email addresses?
Bethany:  Yes, if you go to the site there’s a little box at the top that says you can enter the email to check if it bounces back or not.  I’ll have to go check the site, where it is exactly.

Chris:  That’s quite important because you could end up with a significant portion of your email list actually bouncing back which is of no use, so they’re being checked as they’re being put in.  Now the website itself Bethany, have you been very involved in producing the website or just in coordinating the collection of the email addresses?

Bethany:  Mostly coordinating.  I’m like the in-between girl, yeah.

Chris:  Good, because the way that the website works is the email address is www.absolute-data-exchange.com.  The reason this has evolved is we are approaching a time where we have to put this information firmly and fairly and squarely in front of those organizations and people whose behavior we want to change.  And specifically the banks, the courts, the governments, the media.  They will be the main groups.  And we’re gathering email addresses, actually Bethany’s team is gathering email addresses in all of those areas.  Primarily are you focusing on the banks to begin with?

Bethany:  We’ve been focusing on everything.  Banks, media, it’s a huge job.  A lot of people are asking right now, “How come there’s only a little bit of data for our area?”  And we’re doing what we can, there’s more in some areas than in others, and it’ll grow.

Chris:  This aspect of it, it’s not just in the hands of Bethany’s team that are actually going out and essentially going to websites and whatever sources they’re using to get the information.  If you’ve come across email addresses about your local area, maybe it’s for the local council, you can actually enter it into this data system so that others can use it.  The idea here is that anybody anywhere on the planet can go to this website and ask for a particular geographic location and ask for a particular type of email address or all email addresses for that area, and do a mass email out, completely of their own volition, completely at their own initiative. 

There are going to be planned mass email-outs, but you can do a mass email out 24/7 if you want to.  You could do a mass email out to the world yourself if you want to.  This is quite an extraordinary thing, so you could sit there at your computer and form an email and put it out there and it could reach thousands and thousands of recipients. 

One of the reasons we’re focusing on this, this morning is there’s a very specific way we need to go about this because of the anti-spam filtering and the content filtering that a lot of organisations use.  Now I certainly don’t blame them for using either of those things. But in this instance, if we want to put out mass emails to groups of people who are using these technologies, then there’s several things that spam filters look for, apart from content they’re not interested in. 

One is lots of emails coming from a particular IP address.  One of the original thoughts that most people would have had was “Why can’t we go to one place and just email everything from there?”  If you do that, if all these emails came from one source, it would be very rapidly identified as a source of spam and completely ignored, that is all the emails from that address would be deleted as they came into email servers.  There is an international system for registering sources of spam and most organisations use it.  There’s a black list and anything on the black list just doesn’t get through their server, so it will never reach its recipients. 

So this website, the absolute data exchange, has been oriented to creating emails that will get through the filtering system.  So it needs to come from your IP address and your email address, then we can guarantee that most of these will actually get through.  The technique we have to use is somewhat manual, we can’t automate it.  Well, there are ways of automating it, though it does involve some set up which most people aren’t familiar with, but they are familiar with copying and pasting and that’s how this technique actually works. 

If you go to the website there are several buttons to draw your attention to.  One is just how to use the site, which has got some really good instructions on how to initially register your name and the procedure for using the site, which is to copy and paste a foreclosure flyer from the site into a fresh email that you’ll start.  Then to go to the database and select the entries that you’re after and copy and paste those into the CC field, or actually in the BCC field of your email client, your email program. 

Now a couple of things to this, not gonna get too technical here, but essentially there is a little bit of technique to it.  When you copy and paste the foreclosure flyer, you simply click on the foreclosure flyer button and with your mouse, just swipe down to the bottom of the foreclosure flyer, copy it to the clipboard, paste it into the empty email that you’ve got ready.  Take a look at it when it’s pasted in, you may find you want to change the fonts, you may want to tidy it up a touch.  There are lots of different email programs and we can’t predict exactly how it will land when you copy and paste it into all of them.  It’s very straight forward; it’s just Headings, Texts and some links.  Take a look at it and make sure it’s not too untidy.  Just change the font, or you could do a beautiful reformatting job should you so desire.  Because once you’ve done it once, you can reuse it many times.  It’s just a matter of getting it across there. 

Now why isn’t it an attachment?  Well a lot of email filters actually inspect attachments and filter out according to content and they focus quite heavily on that because they’re looking for content they’re not interested in.  They want to eliminate that.  If it’s in the body of an email message it will still get some attention, but what’s important is the message that you put at the start of your email.  If you make that your individual message different, then your individual group of emails will be different to everybody else’s and they’re less likely to attract the attention of the spam filters, including the subject line of the email.  The subject line of the email needs to be unique so they can actually again be differentiated from everybody else’s email.  We’re trying to first of all personalize these, so it comes from you.  This is a message from you to the system. 

You need to do it with the same intent that you use when you create a Courtesy Notice mail out for instance, it has to be the right intent and whatever message you want to give to that particular recipient.  So remembering that you might be sending out 500 emails you’ve got to make it somewhat generic, but it still can be your message and if it’s unique then it will attract less attention from the spam filtering and we’ll get more emails through to them.  Sorry to have to do it this way, but the technology is designed to eliminate nuisance mail outs.  From our perspective this is not a nuisance, but we still need to get past their filters.

As far as using the database is concerned, when you click on the database button you’re actually presented with just a couple of options.  You select the country that you’re dealing with, and if you look down it, what you’re looking at is the work from Bethany and her team and others.  We haven’t got every country in here, and if you’re country’s not there, I suggest you get in touch with Bethany and the team and find out how best you can get the information to them, or simply enter it in yourselves.  There is a process where you can enter all the data in yourselves as you go through. 

You can then select an organisation category.  Categories at the moment are bank, banking, chemicals, environmental, finance, government, legal, media, utilities.  You hit the search button and it will open a window and you’ll see dozens, sometimes hundreds of email addresses.  Again the technique is manual, although we may actually be able to make it slightly more convenient with a few more buttons.  Essentially you swipe down the list and copy and paste it into the BCC field.

Now I need to explain the difference between the CC field and the BCC field.  In most email browsers, or in a lot of them, the CC field is displayed all of the time.  It stands for carbon copy and it’s actually a throw-back to the days when you typed letters on a manual typewriter with two sheets of paper with a piece of carbon paper between them, so you got an extra copy when the typewriter letters banged through the paper.  That’s where the term CC comes from. 

BCC is a modern adaption of that, which is Blind Carbon Copy, which means that the person in the BCC field gets a copy of the email, but the other recipients don’t know it; The only email address that will appear on the email for each recipient is their own. They won’t know who else it was emailed to.  That’s what the BCC actually means.  In a lot of email browsers you have to go and find that option.  For instance in Microsoft Outlook it’s actually under the options tab – show BCC.  You’ll find in most email clients you’ll have a BCC button.  The BCC field is where you want to put your mass email addresses in. 

I did a test last night with about 500 email addresses; copied and pasted those across, that dropped straight in so I could have hit the button and emailed out 500 emails in one hit.  In this particular game, it is a numbers game.  We’re looking for the psychological effect of individuals receiving many emails from different people.  So if I’m a person in a bank and I’m sitting there and I receive an email from Bethany, and I also receive an email from Bob and Lisa and Chris and D and Brian and 20, 30, 50, 100 emails from other people then that means they know that they’re being watched by people all across the planet. One of the things that you can do, if you are emailing internationally for instance, you could put your country in the subject line so that they see they’re getting email addresses from individuals all over the planet.  This is us standing up and asserting our free will!

So I’ll stop there, but I certainly encourage you to go and learn to use the website. It’s going to keep evolving.  It’s going to be a fantastic source of email addresses and that’s what Bethany and her team are doing.  If you’re in a country who’s not on the list, I’d get in touch with Bethany and her team and have a chat about the best way to do things and Id love to see that country list expanding every week. 

We’re going to start this particular program today with a massive mail out.  There’s a Facebook page advertising it, which we’ll put it on the chat.  The first email out will be today, if there are local contacts that you want to put in there you can actually deposit them in the website, just click on ‘how to use this website’ to find out how to deposit them in there. 

The first mail out is oriented around sending out the Foreclosure Flyer, however we can make up any content that we like and actually IMpower yourself.  If you’ve got a particular program you’d like to carry out locally, you could use the Foreclosure Flyer or you could completely write your own message. It doesn’t have to be the Foreclosure Flyer.  A Foreclosure Flyer’s got a lot of great data on it and it really draws people’s attention to the specific issues that they’ve gotta get to, but you could do your own. You could create a complete campaign; here’s your source of email addresses, ‘cause that’s the toughest bit of all.

Now the other aspect that we’re promoting in this, this will be on the web; the Facebook page, is a personal visit to banks. This particular first push, we’re encouraging people to actually send emails to the banks because the banks are pivotal in this whole problem we’ve got with the system that we’re facing, absolutely pivotal. It’s their front-line harvesting tool, the means by which they control our lives by controlling our cash flow. By putting a big dent in our cash flow every month, so that everything else becomes a struggle. So the banks are the people first up. It’s a two pronged attack, email in the morning, personal visit in the afternoon.

Now everyone’s aware I hope, of the work of Chase Binnie in just dropping in and having a casual conversation with, in his case, the banks and in fact I think he did, Bob, is it the State Governor that he went to, or the State Attorney General?

Bob: The Attorney General.

Chris: The Attorney General, yeah. He just fronted up and delivered some information very happily and calmly and no aggression, no ill will, done with the best of intent and simply delivered information to them. And that particular approach, both remote by email and a personal visit is the way that we’re gonna try and move forward with all of these programs. It will begin with the banks, but we’ll move through the media and we’ll move through the government and we’ll make ourselves heard.

As far as what information you deliver when you go to see your bank manager, Lisa went and visited her bank manager before she left for Morocco; gave them a little kit of information. That’s something else that I’ve already spoken with Brad about and information about that kind of little kit, will begin to appear on The Absolute Data Exchange website so that people can actually assemble this printed material and take it down to the banks. Have a little chat with the bank manager, exchange some information...be kind and gentle with them because they’re us, and we’re them. And putting that energy in, in two ways, is absolutely the way that we’ll change this planet, because the information that we’re starting to get back out is that the system it is absolutely aware of what’s going on; it doesn’t know what it wants to do about it. The only thing they can do at this point in time is deny it.

Bob: It’s getting harder for them to do even that. I don’t know if anyone else is paying attention to what is actually going on, on the geo-political scene and the financial scene... people, statesmen, politicians are being exposed everywhere. Whistle blowing, it’s like banker season and everyone’s gone hunting. (Laughter) 

(End of full transcript & GingerSnap’s summary resumes):

PROJECT XIII and I-UV Exchange
Recently Caleb was exhausted, so he had to pull back for a few days to rest and is now back on it all . . . the iPhone app and Windows mobile app is virtually ready to go now . . . and all is looking to be launched around June 1st. And in the coming weeks, there will be discussions around trigger points enabling mainstream to see the I-UV Exchange, as well as “the CVACs.”

Heather came on briefly . . . to clarify where things are . . . and asks the critical question-of-the-hour . . . “What are you going to DO? . . . are you choosing more separateness or oneness (through each thought or action)? . . . and deeply thanks everyone for all their dreams of DOing, they submitted to her beginning in February!

Bob asks . . . “Are you really paying attention to what is actually happening? and where we are actually going? . . . with Lisa adding, “The air is feeling thicker and more crowed with more and more joining (BEing & DOing) each day (globally).

Towards end of show, there were some excellent caller contributions!

With Absolute Gratitude to Everyone,

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