Senin, 14 Januari 2013

Jan 14 Update: RV Rumours and the Truth

This won't be a long update because I'm waiting for confirmation of something, but I haven't gotten it yet, so that sorta curtails a whole bunch of stuff I wanted to talk about.  (grrr)

There are a few things I wanted to address though.  The first one is about the St Germaine Trust applications that I wrote about HERE.   The Grant applications that Clayton Hanna has been processing are NOT for the St. Germaine Trust.  We were both misinformed.  The money for the Grants is being paid out of RV (Iraqi Dinar Revaluation) money.  Clayton explains the whole process and what is and has been done HERE and also explains the fact that St. Germaine Trust has nothing to do with Wanta or NESARA funds:

Contrary to an apparently common miss-conception, the funds from the World Trust and the Foundations which St. Germaine established 257 years ago are NOT behind this NESARA issue. They are completely independent and always have been. The NESARA funds were entirely created by a Supreme Court decision ratified and signed off by President Clinton after a very lengthy and costly series of court lawsuits brought against the UNITED STATES of Washington, DC which is a private corporation and is NOT in fact the legal federal government of the united States government and many of its agencies and branches; the Federal Reserve banking system which is also a private corporation that has nothing to do with the US Treasury; and many other banks, persons and organizations. After nearly 20 years of court battles the Supreme Court of the USA rules against all the defendants in these many lawsuits and awarded damages and awards to the many plaintiffs for all the money and assets stolen from the People of the USA. Those funds are completely separate and have nothing to do with the St. Germaine Trust or the World Trust whatsoever.

In addition the St. Germaine Trust and the World Trust funds have nothing to do with the Wanta-Mitterand-Regan Trust funds of $69 Trillion stolen by the same corrupt group who control the financial system of the western world and re-invested the Wanta-Mitterand-Regan Trust funds in oil futures, derivatives and many other hedge funds for the benefit of the cabal, NOT the People as they were intended. I was told the bank accounts holding these vast amounts have now been frozen and the cabal cannot get access to them. Eventually they will be disbursed to the People of the USA.

This grant program will now be 100% paid for by the Dinar currency re-evaluation, which has just been completed as a part of the Basle III agreement. These funds are thought to begin to be disbursed soon. Exactly when has not been announced as yet. There is a huge amount of speculation on this as over 5,000 humanitarian projects are to be funded by the completion of the dinar currency exchange expected to take place very soon as a result of the completion of the Dinar re-evaluation. However no firm date these funds will be released has been announced as yet.

Now, please notice something he said: "This grant program will now be 100% paid for by the Dinar currency re-evaluation, which has just been completed as a part of the Basel III agreement"

.... did that nab your attention?   I thought it might of.  Here's the thing:  No, the RV isn't "LIVE" yet- at least, it isn't LIVE to the public.  But the banks are having a heyday trading it back and forth on the back executive screens (the VND as well)!!  So here's the big question:  how can American banks be trading IQD back and forth- buying and selling- if Iraq is still under Chapter 7 Sanctions? hmmmmmm, well, they can't, can they.  Yet they are.  Therefore Chapter 7 sanctions must have been lifted, and just kept quiet.  "Why?" you might ask? Because before they can lift Chapter 7 sanctions the country must have an internationally tradeable currency- which means, they have to revalue the IQD BEFORE chapter 7 can be lifted. So they can't announce that Iraq has had the sanctions removed, because then they'd have to RV the currency, and since the RV is tied to everything else with the launch of the new system, (which hasn't happened yet) they can't announce it.

So like I said- it's NOT live.  No one is cashing out.  I've heard a multitude of rumours of this group leader and that group leader - they're in the bank, they've cashed out,  yadda yadda yadda.  I will tell you this- to the absolute best of my knowledge NONE of them have cashed out for CASH.  SKRs (safe keeping receipts)- yes, Vouchers-maybe, CASH-no.  No one.  It ain't happening.

None of these people are going to cash out PRE-RV. They will no doubt be first in the bank once it's live, but they HAVE NOT CASHED OUT. Period.

Oh and on that topic, Studley said to tell you all that He has NOT cashed out, He has NOT gone to the bank, and NO, he's not sending out "THE" email with the 1-800 for the group tonight, last night, saturday night or any other night last week.  When he get's the info, he'll send out the email, and he has NOT gotten the info yet, so please stop telling everyone the email is coming "In a few hours".  He promised that he will let everyone know when it's coming, until then, it's all rumours.

This is just my opinion, based on a lot of intel and critical thinking:  We are not going to see anything happen until the announcements are made- the announcements that the Interim government is in power and that the new financial system was coming online along with the Basel III gold/asset backed currencies.  The people who are REALLY watching over and in charge of the money in these funds that are discussed in the article I published earlier today are NOT going to allow a single penny to be released until those announcements happen.  They are NOT going to allow even one ounce of gold fall into the hands of the Powers That Were. Not so much as a speck of gold dust.  Once those announcements happen- and they will very very soon- THEN EVERYTHING will go out all at once: PPs, RV, the St. Germaine Trust, the Collateral accounts... all of it.

The people that are really in charge of the money are long thinking in their planning, and the Cabal was too arrogant to realize that nor  understand that they never had any chance going up against these people. I'm hoping one day very soon to be able to release more information on this topic, but for now that will have to suffice.

The paid Shills can say whatever they want, the trolls can trollishly proclaim I'm a liar and cabal (that one always makes me giggle), and a paid disinformationist (which is hysterically funny because If I was a paid anything, then I'd be able to afford a computer with an "F" key and a "delete" button!!) (kids and cats are not a good combo around computers).  It doesn't matter, because I'm not writing this for them.  I am writing what I know to the people who want to know what I know.  That's it. You're free to believe or not to believe, read or not read, discuss or not discuss. Your choice.

Oh, and one final little tid bit that I think most of you would want to know- and that is, who your interim VICE President is. I think almost everyone will be very pleased....

Here's the thing.  When I was first told, I was sworn to secrecy.  Except that since then I've had at least 8 other intel people tell me this.  I figure if they all know, then you have a Right to know too.  So .... if I happen to give a few clues and if you' guys just happen to guess who it is, then I didn't tell you, Right?! ;>)

First clue, for the younger readers: a weasley boy

Second clue, for the older readers: If Peter and Mary were leaving on a jet plane, who would they take with them?

Big meetings all weekend long for the two interims and a lot of major players.  It all comes down to the final countdown.  The clock is ticking.

.... I'm pretty sure there was a few more things I wanted to talk about, but I keep getting distracted by calls and I'm damn tired so I think I'll go collapse in a corner for a while.

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