I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I'm pretty sure that I don't need to go into the details and background of Chemtrails with RTS readers- you guys are a pretty darn knowledgeable group, so I'm not going to preach to the choir.
Chemtrails= bad. Nuff said.
The movies "What in the world are they Spraying" and "Why in the world are they Spraying" do a good job of outlining a lot of the basic information about chemtrails and the damage they are doing to our planet and our health on a physical level.
The main ingredients of Chemtrails are Aluminium, Barium and Strontium, along with a host of other chemicals and garbage, viruses, fungus, bacteria...
“Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years. He has found that some of them contain bioactive materials, which can cause “serious skin lesions and diseases when absorbed into the skin.” He has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses. He says that trillions of fusarium (fungus)/virus mutated spores), which secrete a powerful mico-toxin, are part of the air we breathe.” http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/you-are-now-breathing-ethylene-dibromide-virally-mutated-molds-nano-particulates-of-aluminum-and-barium-and-ationic-polymer-fibers-with-unidentified-bio-active-material/
... and other biological agents, like Morgellons Disease- This article outlines one man's research into Morgellons and Chemtrails: http://www.morgellonsexposed.com/Chemtrails&Morgellons.htm
(he discusses Morgellons symptoms, of which many are similar to those attributed to "Ascension Flu")
But I'm sure most of you know this stuff, and I digress.
Besides the fact that Aluminium is used in everything from "tin"foil, pots and pans, cans and containers for food- all of which shed toxic Aluminium into your food, many people do not realize that the greatest Aluminium "contamination" is what is directly injected into our bodies:
Almost every single vaccine has an adjuvant—a chemical substance used to boost the immune system’s response to a vaccine— made with aluminium. Newborn babies are injected with these vaccines at doses that would shock and outrage parents, if they were actually told the truth.
But although people are exposed to aluminum through the environment and their diet, Shaw and Tomljenovic counter that there’s a big difference between the way food sources of aluminum are absorbed by and excreted from the body and how vaccine-derived aluminum undergoes the same processes.
Tomljenovic, who recently had a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease on the link between the metallic element and that neurodegenerative condition, said that only very small amounts of aluminum are needed to produce neurotoxicity and that the substance actively crosses the blood-brain barrier.
“The main problem with aluminum is that even regular dietary intake can have long-term adverse consequences to the nervous system,” she told the Georgia Straight. “This has been verified by studies done in rats who were fed the equivalent of what humans take over a lifetime and then exhibited classical Alzheimer’s symptoms. The control rats fed an alum-free diet did not show such adverse outcomes. The reason for this is that aluminum is highly toxic and poorly excreted.
“Even the little that we absorb from food tends to accumulate and persist in a body, especially the brain,” she added. “The situation with vaccines is vastly different because we get much higher amounts from vaccines but that amount is almost 100 percent absorbed because it bypasses the gastrointestinal tract. So injectable aluminum is potentially more toxic than ingestible aluminum.”
The research and official recommendations for Aluminium in medical treatments is not only confusing, but sketchy at best. The FDA mandates that a full grown adult should not receive more than 25 micrograms of Aluminium per day (Aluminium is commonly used in IV solutions as well), yet another paper states maximum of 10 micrograms of Aluminium for a pre-term infant, and yet another states 4-5 micrograms per kilo of weight for an infant.... All very confusing. But worse yet is that all these medical papers are discussing IV solutions, and do not even once take into consideration the added toxicity of vaccines.
Let me give you the numbers:
- Hib (PedVaxHib brand only) - 225 micrograms per shot.
- Hepatitis B - 250 micrograms.
- DTaP - depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 170 to 625 micrograms.
- Pneumococcus - 125 micrograms.
- Hepatitis A - 250 micrograms.
- HPV - 225 micrograms.
- Pentacel (DTaP, HIB and Polio combo vaccine) - 330 micrograms.
- Pediarix (DTaP, Hep B and Polio combo vaccine) - 850 micrograms.
Infants receive multiple vaccines at a time, with an aluminium content of up to 1225 micrograms!!!!!
Yes, I'm digressing again, but I want you to think about the previous information in the context of what I want to talk about next.
In the Daniel Paper "Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension" He talks about the injection of Aluminium (among other things) in to the atmosphere:
First thing they had to deal with was the sun getting a lot brighter from the combustion of dust and debris, now present in significant quantities in the solar system. They needed to come up with a way to create a “global dimming” effect to block off this bright light. Aluminum, a nice, lightweight and very abundant element, works rather well for that as most of our mirrors today are coated with aluminum (not silver). Nanoparticles, distributed in the tropopause (about 7 miles up 24), would increase the albedo of the Earth and turn the upper atmosphere into a partially-reflecting mirror. 25 This has the result of “global dimming” on the surface....
A while ago I was watching a video of David Wilcock talking about the effects of solar energy on humans. (Unfortunately I can't remember which video it was, but if you know, please email me and I'll add the link here). One of the things that David talked about was an experiment done by both the US and China space agencies in which they both sent seeds into space for a short time and then planted them on earth to measure if there was any effect on the growth of the plants or the vegetables they produced. The US mission seeds did nothing out of the ordinary, but the seeds sent up by China produced AMAZING crops. David commented that NASA space shuttles use a huge amount of Aluminium, while China's don't, and hypothesized that the aluminium in the US space shuttles had blocked out the solar energy/particles therefore their seeds did not show any difference, whereas the Chinese seeds grew huge vegetables:
Giant space vegetables ‘could feed the world’
Swollen to ten times their normal size and weighing more than an average man, these giant pumpkins would not look out of place in a science fiction film.
And it’s no wonder that they look out of this world, because the seeds from which these monster vegetables were grown spent two weeks orbiting the earth...
...How sending seeds into space produces such enormous fruit is yet not fully understood, but it is thought cosmic radiation, micro-gravity and magnetic fields may play a part.
.... What if the Cabal's use of Aluminium isn't just to physically poison us? What if the Aluminium isn't just to turn out soil toxic to further their GMO foods? What if the Aluminium in our atmosphere isn't just to block out the sun's brightening rays to trick us into thinking that everything is still the same?
What if their use of Aluminium is to literally block us off from those solar particles and waves of solar energy to stop us from ascending?
If our brains are clouded by neurotoxicity from a constant barrage of Aluminium building up in our system, how does this effect us on a "spiritual" or "psychic" level? I think that this is the question that we should be discussing now.
Can we detox aluminium from our bodies and minds? Let's talk!
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