Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

"Cashing In" your IQD and VND

We are right on the cusp- literally- of the RV happening.  No Jets landing, nor any 747's, no ships docking, not ASN/AMN.....   We are right there.

I have  just a few things to say about the Global Currency Revaluation and I want to clear up some misconceptions and put to rest some ridiculous stories.

1-  If you are in the US register for The Studley/General 64's bank package-  - you do NOT have to give out ultra private personal information, you do NOT have to list how much dinar you have.  Unless you happen to be holding 500 million IQD and know a Wells Fargo Executive personally, you will NOT get a better rate anywhere. 

2- Do NOT give your Dinar/Dong to anyone to cash in for you!  Seriously people! If someone tells you that they can get you $55 per Dinar, they are LYING!!!  I can guarantee that once this RV goes live, NO ONE will be getting $55 (any more)

3- None of the REAL exchange groups use Brokers, Escrow accounts,  group trust accounts or any sort of middle man. 

4- You MUST call to make an appointment- don't wait in the parking lot all night hoping to get in first. This is not like buying concert tickets. You MUST MUST MUST have an appointment.

5- When you get your appointment, do NOT show up to the bank wearing a neon orange shirt that says "I'm a filthy rich Dinarian!"  That's like wearing a sign that says "I'm a stupid redneck with a ridiculous amount of money and I have no idea what to do with it so please mug me!"

6. Along with the RV is coming huge changes to all aspects of the financial industry and global economy.  Do NOT invest money into any government or bank investments and stay out of the stock exchange for 3-6 months or until the financial world has settled down again.

REMEMBER: This is a currency exchange.  You get your email with your code and 1 800 number, you make an appointment, you go to the BANK, give them your IQD and/or VND, they verify that it's legal currency, they take it and they hand you a deposit slip with your shiny new bank balance.  Once that's done you can talk about trust funds and credit cards and all the fancy perks that your bank will now offer you.  But it's still just a currency exchange.

 ... and in closing:  On Your Marks.....  Get Set.....

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