Everything from how to create the epub to how to market. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam @elle_strauss YUMMY! :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Karen A. Hooper ? @Karen_Hooper | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
anyone else feel like that? #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I made it! Concert's over! Woot! #indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Writers and publishers need to focus on creating quality stories with a new reading experience #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @srjohannes: Digital allows Authors to do really interesting things w/ the format that just wasn’t possible with regular book. #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @srjohannes: Writers and publishers need to focus on creating quality stories with a new reading experience #indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Yay! I made it #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@sophthewriter I wouldn't be surprised if this happens more often. A great way to help the midlist authors. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Could not agree more RT @srjohannes: Writers/publishers need to focus on creating quality stories with a new reading experience #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I'm now researching indie publishers to sub to. This chat has convinced me the personal attn makes it worth it. #indiechat | |||||||||
Jennifer Welborn ? @WordsmithJenn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
In the future digital publishing will make way for new and creative content for readers. #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Yes! @hpinski: Digital allows Authors to do really interesting things w/ the format that just wasn’t possible with regular book. #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorCKBryant Interesting...I've never heard of that happening. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorCKBryant I think it's a good test to see what audiences like/if a book will be successful. #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes It's HARD to create a new reading experience when "there's nothing new under the sun". #indiechat | |||||||||
John Abramowitz ? @onthebird | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
New formats allow for more audience immersion. #indiechat #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I love that digital allows shorts stories, anthologies, other forms to thrive and find their audience. #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Digital publishing has been around for years. There have been publishers who only focused on that market for years #indiechat now it's open | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes This post comes to mind. A must-read. http://avajae.blogspot.com/2012/04/lesson-from-bestsellers-write-whatever.html #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @susankayequinn: I love that digital allows shorts stories, anthologies, other forms to thrive and find their audience. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Hello everyone! #indiechat | |||||||||
Karly Kirkpatrick ? @karlkirkpatrick | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Funny thing was I would download or read ebooks for years to read on my lunch break at work. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Nice! and love @ava_jae! @chihuahuazero: @srjohannes This post comes to mind. A must-read. http://avajae.blogspot.com/2012/04/lesson-from-bestsellers-write-whatever.html #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Shelf space in bookstores is very limited. Not the case for ebooks--gives readers a bigger selection. #indiechat | |||||||||
Karen A. Hooper ? @Karen_Hooper | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@karlkirkpatrick I beat u here :p lol I'm HOME! :D #indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
LM, you're like a decade ahead of your time! @LM_Preston ...download or read ebooks for years to read on my lunch break at work. #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @Karen_Hooper: Shelf space in bookstores is very limited. Not the case for ebooks--gives readers a bigger selection. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
book apps, NOvellas and novelettes may be a new way to capture readers in short spurts - #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
There has long been a market for short stories with Digital, it's just now been someone 'rediscovered' I think #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
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I wonder how trad. publishers will market ebook only books? #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Discoverability is a HUGE issue in indie or self-pub. Readers need to be able to find your ebook #indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@meggjensen I see that! I was here right before we started, but had to put kid to bed. :P #indiechat | |||||||||
Karly Kirkpatrick ? @karlkirkpatrick | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes whats the dif between novella and novelette?? #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Hey all sorry to be late just read and got caught up #indiechat | |||||||||
February Grace ? @FebruaryGrace | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@elle_strauss Hi! *waves* #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I love my Kindle. Not that I would marry it, but we might have a long-term engagement. #ebooksrock #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I like the ease and speed of publishing digital. No more waiting months/years to make your book available to the masses. #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Not really there has been thriving ebook market for years. RT @susankayequinn: LM, you're like a decade ahead of your time! #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
My post related to this: http://bit.ly/IWQNP7 @Karen_Hooper: Shelf space in bookstores is very limited. Not the case for ebooks #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes downside, more content flows, harder to connect w/ readers? #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree All Indelibles have either self-pubbed or indie pubbed #indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Karen_Hooper And more even competition. You have best sellers next to indies instead of on tables at the front of a store #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree most of us do have epub experience! #indiechat | |||||||||
Karly Kirkpatrick ? @karlkirkpatrick | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@laurapauling Me too. I didn't know they wanted to. #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
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It is faster but I still think it takes time to self publish. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I love when authors release a novella from another character's POV. Add so much to a series. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
*waving* Howdy folks. :) #IndieChat | |||||||||
Karen Hoover ? @karenehoover | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Exactly @Karen_Hooper! Also, more opportunities for "niche" topics. #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@laurapauling Don't know. Had someone tell me today she was offered an ebook contract. I thought it interesting. #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
my novelette Suffocate 1st in a series BREATHLESS) comes out next week and Im interested to see how that market opens up more #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
But now it's MUCH easier for a publisher, author to publish their work on reputable and much used sites RT @susankayequinn: #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorCKBryant exactly! You can download and start reading an eBook in under a minute. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @AuthorCKBryant: @laurapauling some publishers do ebook first and only do print if it is successful#IndieChat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@elle_strauss novelette - around 15K Novella- 30K #indiechat | |||||||||
Stacey W. Benefiel ? @Stacey_WB | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @chel_c_cam: I love when authors release a novella from another characters POV. Add so much to a series. #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
So true! RT @AuthorCKBryant I like the ease n speed of pubbing digital. No more waiting months/years for ur book to be avialable #IndieChat | |||||||||
Karen A. Hooper ? @Karen_Hooper | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@karenehoover Hey, welcome. HUGS #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Reply Delete Favorite | |||||||||
@srjohannes And that makes a lot of sense to me. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I used to download books from ebooks . com :-D before it became something big to do on amazon. Just started amazon 2 yrs ago #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam @indeliblewriter did that with in his eyes anthology and it was fun! #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam Yay! I've got one coming soon! :) #Clocked #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
epublishing gives authors such a lot of control over content and their careers. It's hard work, but worth it! #indiechat | |||||||||
Karly Kirkpatrick ? @karlkirkpatrick | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Me too! RT @hpinski: RT @chel_c_cam: I love when authors release a novella from another characters POV. Add so much to a series. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam I planned on doing that but wasn't sure if it would be well-received! That's good to hear! :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Liz Long ? @LizCLong | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I'm close to releasing my first e-book - would LURVE some advice... #indiechat | |||||||||
Lori-Anne Poirier ? @MrsPearTree | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@elle_strauss @laurapauling Oops. Don't know but they've got to be charging a lot more than indies would. #indiechat. | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hpinski i think with internet it is easier 2 conect w/reader not harder. I dont think format matters unless you count signings #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @karlkirkpatrick: epublishing gives authors such a lot of control over content and their careers. Its hard work, but worth it! #indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
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@FebruaryGrace Right it still takes time. I guess when it's ready though we can publish. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Yes, @meggjensen! You can't slap a book online and expect people to find you. You have to market yourself. #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Yes RT @karlkirkpatrick: epublishing gives authors a lot of control over content and their careers. It's hard work, but worth it! #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes That was a FABULOUS book. It gave me a taste of so many different authors. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Stacey_WB Thanks Stacey. so what s a short story? #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I'm planning more alternate POV short stories in the future: fun, creative, fast. #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree ask away! #indiechat | |||||||||
Karly Kirkpatrick ? @karlkirkpatrick | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree On what part of self-pub? There's tons to discuss ;) #indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@patricialynne07 True. My book was side by side with Hunger Games for #1 on Childrens ebooks. That would never happen in a store #IndieChat | |||||||||
Karen A. Hooper ? @Karen_Hooper | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes are you super excited? My book DAEMONS IN THE MIST comes out on Friday and I'm a giddy mess. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@laurapauling I agree it should still take time to get the writing right before pressing that publish button #indiechat | |||||||||
Lynda R Young ? @LyndaRYoung | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Ok, what did I miss? #indiechat | |||||||||
Madison Louise ? @AuthorMadison | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I'm going to be spotlighting @smreine next week. I'm looking for other indie authors with new books to talk about on the blog. #indiechat | |||||||||
Jennifer Welborn ? @WordsmithJenn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes Not the BIG 6 though? #IndieChat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
However epubbing is a short cut to a form of distribution - NOT a short cut to writing a quality book! #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
PRomote EARly! Like now! RT @MrsPearTree: I'm close to releasing my first e-book - would LURVE some advice... #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree What questions do you have? #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Karen_Hooper Congrats! #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Holy lightning, Batman. I may need to unplug my iMac if it gets worse... #indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Yes! RT @srjohannes: However epubbing is a short cut to a form of distribution - NOT a short cut to writing a quality book! #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @LM_Preston: PRomote EARly! Like now! RT @MrsPearTree: Im close to releasing my first e-book - would LURVE some advice... #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Does anyone here publish with amazon KDP first 3 months, then release paperback and other formats/location? #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio @srjohannes Congrats! #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@katiekleinbooks You have to market yourself no matter what, indie or trad #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio: Congrats on your upcoming release! #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@meggjensen it can't seem to decide if it wants to storm or not here. looks nasty #indiechat | |||||||||
Karly Kirkpatrick ? @karlkirkpatrick | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LM_Preston @MrsPearTree Have giveaways, promote, do a blog tour if you can. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Madison Louise ? @AuthorMadison | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Does anyone think that bloggers, reviewers are now more opened to eARCs than before? #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
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@LM_Preston I have no released in paperback yet. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Me too! @susankayequinn: I'm planning more alternate POV short stories in the future: fun, creative, fast. #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@lexcade Amen to that! #IndieChat | |||||||||
Karen Hoover ? @karenehoover | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@elle_strauss I think of short story being 8-12K or so. DoS stories are 13-16 and I call them novelettes or long short stories. #indiechat | |||||||||
Stacey W. Benefiel ? @Stacey_WB | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LM_Preston I was going for epublishing my book, than paperbacks soon after. #indiechat | |||||||||
Madison Louise ? @AuthorMadison | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@WordsmithJenn @smreine Are you taking applications?! :) 'Cause if so, I'll give you a book RIGHT NOW! haha #indiechat | |||||||||
Liz Long ? @LizCLong | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LM_Preston I've been pubbed on kindle for about 3 months. Doing paperbacks in June. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LM_Preston no my eBook editions only come out 2 weeks to a month before the print edition. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @srjohannes However epubbing is a short cut to a form of distribution - NOT a short cut to writing a quality book! #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hpinski @srjohannes And making sure it's properly edited... many ebooks I see have basic punctuation errors, so many of them... #indiechat | |||||||||
February Grace ? @FebruaryGrace | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree - always be yourself. don't bombard people with your book. Just be out there #indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @beccajcampbell: @WordsmithJenn @smreine My book Foreign Identity comes out next week. It's a mix of scifi and suspense. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@WordsmithJenn Pick me! I've got a new book coming out tomorrow. #Like Clockwork #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Absolutely! @LM_Preston: Does anyone think that bloggers, reviewers are now more opened to eARCs than before? #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
i prefer the control epubbing gave me. the work is all on me, but so's the reward. #indiechat. | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LM_Preston Every blogger I've contacted takes Ebooks. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
We 1st pubbed our books in paperback 3 yrs ago, then ebook. Now ebook then paperback. RT @laurapauling: #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I keep forgetting to type the hashtag. #indiechat :P | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @Karen_Hooper: RT @elle_strauss: @katiekleinbooks You have to market yourself no matter what, indie or trad Agreed! #indiechat | |||||||||
RaShelle Workman ? @RaShelleWorkman | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
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@Battista_j I love the control too. It's exhilarating. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Wonderful savings on mailing cost! and book returns. RT @chel_c_cam: Every blogger I've contacted takes Ebooks. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Karen_Hooper @LizCLong @beccajcampbell @elle_strauss I've got 10 spots left. Email me info jenniferwelbornwrites@gmail.com #indiechat | |||||||||
Jennifer Welborn ? @WordsmithJenn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Battista_j Being in control of all aspects was one of the main reasons I decided to epub. I like being my own boss. #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell use http://www.tweetchat.com and you won't have to remember the hashtag #indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Stacey_WB Good to know. I guess I'm writing a novelette then. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I think that's the best formular for indies RT @AuthorMadison: I was going for epublishing my book, than paperbacks soon after. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Battista_j I totally agree. I don't mind the work because it's MY BABY and I get to choose what's in it and what the cover is. #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I'm epublishing my book, Shadow Future, first. Than saving up for paperbacks. #indiechat | |||||||||
Madison Louise ? @AuthorMadison | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell try tweetchat - it puts the hashtag on automatically #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Battista_j I agree. I like that fact that I can say 'I made this'. I designed it, I wrote it, I illustrated it, I coded it. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
YES! Connect w peeps. RT @meggjensen @MrsPearTree - always be yourself. don't bombard people with your book. Just be out there #indiechat | |||||||||
Karen A. Hooper ? @Karen_Hooper | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@WordsmithJenn @Karen_Hooper @LizCLong @elle_strauss Will do! You want all the details, I assume? #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorCKBryant And that's a big chunk of the fun! #IndieChat | |||||||||
Karen Hoover ? @karenehoover | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Okay, guys. I have to shut down my iMac. Will hook up on my iPad in a few minutes... #indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
How do short story collections fare as e-books? #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@WordsmithJenn yay :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Battista_j I agree! #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@patricialynne07 Exactly. I like being on my own timetable too. but i have authority issues. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@meggjensen Well, what's your favourite thing you learned through the process? Something you might not have expected? #indiechat | |||||||||
Lori-Anne Poirier ? @MrsPearTree | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Does anyone love the fact that it's easy and cheap to change covers for ebooks to 'test' covers compared to paperback? #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I love that every single cent I made I earned myself. So much more satisfying. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Yes, @LM_Preston! Bloggers are definitely more open to ebooks AND indies than they used to be. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorMadison that's what I'm doing for my series #indiechat | |||||||||
AshleyNicole Shelton ? @TheGiftedSeries | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero I'll let you know - I've got one coming out this weekend. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Stacey W. Benefiel ? @Stacey_WB | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Just remember digital publsihing is not just about self pubbing. There are many traditional pubs that focus on ebooks #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LM_Preston I like that it's super easy to fix a typo that slipped through. #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Also with eBooks you can make free promo sample books like I am. Grab a few author friends and make a sample anthology. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Reply Delete Favorite | |||||||||
@LM_Preston Yes, I love that we can make things perfect before print - or as close as we can get to it. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@TheGiftedSeries Awesome!! I'm hoping, ppl will get it as an ebook, than like it, and buy a paperback. #indiechat | |||||||||
Madison Louise ? @AuthorMadison | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @srjohannes: digital publsihing is not just about self pubbing. There are many traditional pubs that focus on ebooks #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I'm tempted to let Mom paint the cover of my 1st e-book, since she's an artist. And a teacher. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LM_Preston Thanks for that - I've been putting it off, thinking I'd need something tangible in hand, first! #indiechat | |||||||||
Lori-Anne Poirier ? @MrsPearTree | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Ooh, that is a nice idea. I've seen authors do it w/ all their books, but never separate authors. #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
THIS! RT @patricialynne07: @LM_Preston I like that its super easy to fix a typo that slipped through. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes When a big six pub opens an ebook only division, that's when we'll see some interesting changes... #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes and traditional publishers will move to further embrace digital and transmedia. #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes yes, make everything you do, whether in paper or pixels, as professional as possible. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@meggjensen Thanks for the tip! #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hpinski are there any downsides? #indiechat | |||||||||
Kristin White ? @KWMystic | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
They can do very well; depends on the stories! @chihuahuazero: How do short story collections fare as e-books? #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero That's sweet. I love having friends and family involved with my books and artwork etc. Feels more special. #indiechat | |||||||||
Karen A. Hooper ? @Karen_Hooper | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Agreed!RT @patricialynne07: @LM_Preston I like that it's super easy to fix a typo that slipped through. #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn I was surprised by the tax organization you need to do FIRST. What's something important that you learned? #indiechat | |||||||||
Lori-Anne Poirier ? @MrsPearTree | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Amen!!! RT @KatGirl_Studio: @srjohannes yes, make everything you do, whether in paper or pixels, as professional as possible. #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
eventually there will be interactive books like apps. I bet some will even have ads embedded in them like magazines #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@patricialynne07 @KatGirl_Studio Oh I love this idea. Brilliant! #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero I would encourage you to use someone who is a pro - and that you can say "I don't like that" to. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@patricialynne07 yep got a group together and have a sample from each person's book. Then format it nicely and offer it for free. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero As long as it fits the genre of your book #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I was JUST about to ask this! RT @KWMystic: @hpinski are there any downsides? #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn I'm tempted of making my own "version" of the IN HIS EYES Anthology. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
If anyone's interested in joining us and your work fits we'd love to have you. Just tweet me after the chat. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
The @indeliblewriters did IN HIS EYES -it's great teaser 2 books w/o being frm thm @Battista_j @patricialynne07 @KatGirl_Studio #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Don't be afraid to try new things. :) #everythingisnew @MrsPearTree: Whats something important that you learned? #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn @chihuahuazero I agree w/ Susan. My sis made my covers, they weren't working, although awesome. Hard situation. #indiechat | |||||||||
Stacey W. Benefiel ? @Stacey_WB | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes there already is they are called visual novels. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Yes, send copy to bloggers who post review, interview of book on their blog RT @MrsPearTree: @AuthorMadison Blog tour??? #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hpinski @KWMystic I think there is a slight stigma still to epubbing, but it is fading. It is hard to get library to stock. #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Downsides? Hard to gift an ebook to parents still living in the pre-computer age. They don't even have cameras on their cells. :( #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero Like fanfic of the Anthology? Or your own anthology with POV of your characters? #cooleitherway! #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio I think I missed the first tweet. What is/are the genre(s)/requirements? #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
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But as a self publisher, I don't see libraries as being the target at least to start off. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
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I think if we try everywhere: schools, libraries, stores, and internet - it's too much at first. #indiechat Maybe better to focus? | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
On the downside topic, what about editing? #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Yes, its great to work with family, but the book cover is soooooo important, it can make or break marketing #indiechat | |||||||||
Kristin White ? @KWMystic | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Never heard back abt when you wanted sample chapters, etc. How quickly do you need it? #indiechat | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Even libraries R getting on board -study said 66% libraries offer access 2 e-books. library budgets include more digital products #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Createspace helps you make awesome covers, even if you don't use it at first, you can still use the cover. #indiechat | |||||||||
Madison Louise ? @AuthorMadison | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Downside-Ebook Publishing is that it's more than 1 market to sell your book, and only ebook publishing marks out over 5 potential #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn The latter! Want to see a brainstorm of story ideas? #indiechat #kidlitchat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@laurapauling My local library has an e-book option. I haven't tried it so not sure how well it works. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hpinski I didn't have an editor for my first book. Big mistake. I've hired one for my third and am re-editing the first two. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
In some ways, I think indie-editing can be BETTER *ducks_flying_fruit* @hpinski: On the downside topic, what about editing? #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Downside? Feeling the need to rush a book, and pubbing before it's ready. #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorCKBryant Very funny! I'm right there with you #indiechat | |||||||||
Kristin White ? @KWMystic | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Downside, you can't blame your publisher for screwing up #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Oh well hey #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
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@beccajcampbell Yes, mine does too. But there aren't any self published novels offered. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
One thing I learned? That I was 100% correct in hiring a professional copy editor. My bad vision couldn't catch things she did. #indiechat | |||||||||
February Grace ? @FebruaryGrace | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree my fab part? Meeting people. I'm shy in real life so it's helped me open up. Good side effect of self-pub #Indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Formatting is a MAJOR issues with Ebook Publishing - no control on this RT @hpinski: On the downside topic, what about editing? #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KWMystic well I'm a book designer and illustrator by day so I already got that part covered. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Gotta go to bed. It's been fun ya'll. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Madison Louise ? @AuthorMadison | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hpinski Explanation: if you use a lot of good betas, rather than just one or two crit sources, you can get better feedback. #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn @hpinski What's the min price for good indie #editing? #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
formatting and creaivity is very hard in ebooks - major downside. also the stigma is crappy too #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I utilized a lot of beta readers for editing, but also hired a proofreader because I am HORRIBLE at comma usage. #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Yes, accountability is a beast. LOL RT @elle_strauss Downside, you can't blame your publisher for screwing up #indiechat | |||||||||
Karen A. Hooper ? @Karen_Hooper | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
All of this. RT @katiekleinbooks: Downside? Feeling the need to rush a book, and pubbing before its ready. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@laurapauling Yeah. Good point. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero Sure! #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Formatting errors in ebook published on different platforms could cause major problems #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KWMystic @KatGirl_Studio Yes! But covers are also flexible. If a cover isn't working, it can be changed. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Hi All! What's up tonight? #indiechat | |||||||||
Addison Moore ? @Addison_Moore | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MaganVernon Happy release day! #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Downside, you don't get the book store buyers. #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Battista_j @hpinski @kwmystic yeah, how do you get into libraries? #indiechat | |||||||||
Emily Casey ? @EmilyCaseysMuse | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LornaSuzuki asap if you can. I'd like to have it come out in June. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
True. RT @chel_c_cam: All of this. RT @katiekleinbooks: Downside? Feeling the need to rush a book, and pubbing before its ready. #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Pricing related to "good" but not a minimum. @chihuahuazero @susankayequinn @hpinski Whats the min price for good indie #editing? #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Which is somewhat shrinking but still viable market RT @MaganVernon: Downside, you don't get the book store buyers. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@katiekleinbooks very true. I did a whole new cover for the second edition of DAEMONS #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
YAY!!!! Ace=Yummy! RT @chel_c_cam @MaganVernon Happy release day! #indiechat | |||||||||
Karen A. Hooper ? @Karen_Hooper | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Addison_Moore Hi! :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
And always hire an editor! :) @patricialynne07: I utilized a lot of beta readers for editing, but also hired a proofreader #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I take full responsibility. :D This: RT @elle_strauss Downside, you can't blame your publisher for screwing up #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
yes! RT @Battista_j: @srjohannes Downside: getting books in foreign markets for those that don't have ereader. #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn Here it is! Thoughts? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=13019657770A47264600&page=522#13035 #indiechat #kidlitchat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MaganVernon You can ask on a store by store basis, though. I know several people who have done that. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes I'm thinking it's starting to get better. *hopes* #indiechat | |||||||||
Addison Moore ? @Addison_Moore | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorMadison Free sample eBook anthology. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@katiekleinbooks can I blame you too? :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes I've got folks in Romania who want my book but can't get it. #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Karen_Hooper @chel_c_cam Yeah thanks for celebrating my release! #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Totally agree with this one!! @katiekleinbooks: Downside? Feeling the need to rush a book, and pubbing before its ready. #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Work your local library first. @EmilyCaseysMuse: @Battista_j @hpinski @kwmystic yeah, how do you get into libraries? #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Why not?@Battista_j: @srjohannes I've got folks in Romania who want my book but can't get it. #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
hmm RT @susankayequinn: @srjohannes When a big 6 opens an ebook only division, that's when we'll see some interesting changes... #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Downside? @perezhilton doesn't know if exist. He talks about books. Wish it was mine. ;) #Indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
True - learn ur market RT @laurapauling: If we try everywhere: schools, libraries, stores, and internet. #indiechat Maybe better to focus? | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell Barnes and Noble will not carry most books published by create space now. It sucks. #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio I'm working on new Guardian covers. This will be my third go at it. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Take your cover seriously. If you can't do a professional job yourself, HIRE SOMEONE WHO CAN! A lot of bad covers out there. #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell YA only, up to the first 7 chapters, cover, copyright info. And I'll make it into one eBook. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
S,ash words or iBookstore are internationalRT @Battista_j: @srjohannes Ive got folks in Romania who want my book but cant get it. #Indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn I think for some ppl yes, but there are a select few who can get away w/ no hiring an editor #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
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What will Bix 6 be able to bring to ebook only publishing? Maybe if they had their own site off of which they sold books. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@EmilyCaseysMuse @hpinski @kwmystic I have a friend who is a head librarian, so I was able to get my book in. Rare though. #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn @hpinski Would you say between $100-$1000, more, or less? #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
they can be ordered but not stocked. RT @MaganVernon: @beccajcampbell B&N will not carry most books published by create space #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @meggjensen: Downside? @perezhilton doesnt know if exist. He talks about books. Wish it was mine. ;) #indiechat | |||||||||
Karly Kirkpatrick ? @karlkirkpatrick | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MaganVernon A friend of mine got his books in the local B&N. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell Hi Becca! What's the topic? Free form? #indiechat | |||||||||
Addison Moore ? @Addison_Moore | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
? RT @srjohannes: hmm RT @susankayequinn: @srjohannes When a big 6 opens an ebook only..well see some interesting changes. #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
There are other distributors tho RT @MaganVernon: @beccajcampbell B&N won't carry most books by create space now. It sucks. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorCKBryant I heard some people do great covers for only $40. Right?#indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@katiekleinbooks I've found that the third set of covers is the charm. Ha! #indiechat | |||||||||
Stacey W. Benefiel ? @Stacey_WB | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn @EmilyCaseysMuse @Battista_j @hpinski @kwmystic #indiechat - Libraries love Indie authors BTW. Ours is a huge help! | |||||||||
M.A. Leslie ? @maleslie11 | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Mail into main office and build relationhships RT @beccajcampbell: @MaganVernon A friend of mine got his books in the local B&N. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Addison_Moore Digital pub. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell how did he say? #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
A great cover artist: Steven Novak novakillustration@gmail.com He did all of my covers, including Exiled. #indiechat | |||||||||
RaShelle Workman ? @RaShelleWorkman | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorCKBryant yes if I wasn't a professional book designer I would have hired someone to do it for me. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@katiekleinbooks I really liked the first one :( But I understand why you changed it. Cross My Heart is lovely. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Addison_Moore ebooks and digital publishing in general. and hi! #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
That's a good range. Depends on type of edit. @chihuahuazero: @susankayequinn @hpinski Would you say between $100-$1000? #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@meggjensen @srjohannes Yeah, but they don't have ereaders. Makes it hard. They need print. #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
How does everyone feel about the cost of eBooks. Low cost = bad for authors or good? #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@katiekleinbooks there was nothing wrong with the first cover, I just wanted a new look for The Marked Ones Trilogy. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
OH Yes! They are advised by marketeers RT @srjohannes: RT @susankayequinn: @srjohannes When a big 6 opens an ebook only division. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes @beccajcampbell Good thing there're a couple of small bookstores a walk away. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I hired an editor for Alien book 2 and I've never looked back. Hi @hedanicree #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero I think $40 for a professional cover is very low. I'd get a second and third opinion on his/her skills. #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
eek 100 seems to low. @chihuahuazero: @susankayequinn @hpinski Would you say between $100-$1000? #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@elle_strauss LOL Yes! I will take everyone's blame. Bring it on! #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@elle_strauss @srjohannes They need print. Kind of sucks. #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes He said he offered to let the store manager (or whoever) read it and they really like it and said yes. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hpinski we're still making more $$ per book than trad pub #Indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@elle_strauss Hi Elle! I love the flexibility of working with ebooks. reloading or redesigning are a breeze. #indiechat | |||||||||
Addison Moore ? @Addison_Moore | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio And you do AWESOME covers!!!! Just saying. ;-) #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Good. :) Authors make the same/more per unit than higher priced trad books @hpinski: Low cost = bad for authors or good? #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
And in Romanian, I imagine? I'm there this fall.RT @Battista_j: @elle_strauss @srjohannes They need print. Kind of sucks. #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell interesting - the buyer or the manager #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Battista_j U can use create space to make paperbacks & sell directly off ur website #Indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn @EmilyCaseysMuse @hpinski @kwmystic And be professional. My friend told me I'd be amazed at the authors that 1/2 #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I hired an editor and copyeditor for my pub, best thing I ever did. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorCKBryant I heard this out of an e-book written by Smashworld's founder. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
You all that came in now are lucky. Just 3 yrs ago I had to do Digital Print runs 1st..yikes! #indiechat Now cost much less to publish | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Stacey_WB I hope so! Because this is it! (Series is done, though--so good timing). #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @meggjensen: @hpinski were still making more $$ per book than trad pub #indiechat | |||||||||
Karly Kirkpatrick ? @karlkirkpatrick | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Battista_j it doesnt take that much to do createspace - you should having access to print helps #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes @susankayequinn @hpinski Just asking. I have no idea of the prices. I need to research. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hpinski I have all price pts. 99 cents, 2.99, 4.99, 7.99. I've found for series 1st free, $4.99 for the rest works great! #indiechat | |||||||||
Stacey W. Benefiel ? @Stacey_WB | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes I'm guessing it was probably the buyer, but I'm not totally sure. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Addison_Moore I agree. eBooks rock. #indiechat | |||||||||
RaShelle Workman ? @RaShelleWorkman | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MaganVernon She's my editor now too :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
A good editor charges $1.50 a page on the low side and $3.00 a page on the high. At least that's what I've seen. #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn @EmilyCaseysMuse @hpinski @kwmystic 2/2 come in with a photocopied book and try to submit it. Be professional. #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorCKBryant Thank you =^.^= I'm always trying to give my clients something like the big guys but for a livable price. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
i spend about 500 on copyedits only RT @chihuahuazero: @srjohannes @susankayequinn @hpinskiI have no idea of the prices. #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero Have you tried the Kindleboards? There are a lot of experts on there who know their stuff :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
We have pro cover designs, editors, and fans. Basically not much different than the trad guys. #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam I've ran IMO a couple that are paperback only #indiechat | |||||||||
AshleyNicole Shelton ? @TheGiftedSeries | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Stacey_WB Great price points!! #indiechat | |||||||||
Addison Moore ? @Addison_Moore | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio I was doing a series, and couldn't get the second book to match. Now I have a better idea of what I need. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero Yeah, I read that too, but I'd still be careful and shop around. #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hedanicree I'm just giving editor shout outs #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes @susankayequinn @hpinskiI All right. I need to consider income, since I'm young. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam Aww, Thank you! :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@katiekleinbooks ya I do mock-ups for all 3 books at once. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hpinski My prob with sales R the ones who read 1st novel,get a refund within 7-day return policy,then do the same with books 2&3!#indiechat | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@meggjensen I didn't think of selling direct from my website. #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Addison_Moore They're workin' for me! :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Stacey W. Benefiel ? @Stacey_WB | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @Karen_Hooper: RT @MaganVernon: We have pro cover designs, editors, and fans. Basically not much different than the trad guys. #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@katiekleinbooks You're welcome :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Why didn't I find your covers sooner? #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @chihuahuazero: @srjohannes @susankayequinn @hpinskiI All right. I need to consider income, since Im young. #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
i understand but make sure they are good. the cheaper the more mistakes. RT @chihuahuazero: @srjohannes @susankayequinn @hpinskiI #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Battista_j I do. International shipping is not too expensive #Indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Reply Delete Favorite | |||||||||
@LornaSuzuki That stinks when that happens. I've only returned one ebook and that's because it was all blog posts. Nothing new. #indiechat | |||||||||
Laura Pauling ? @laurapauling | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Anyone tried signings using the ebook format? #indiechat | |||||||||
Lori-Anne Poirier ? @MrsPearTree | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hpinski #indiechat I read that if an ebook is priced below $2.50, readers start to question its quality. Doesn't mean they won't buy though | |||||||||
Emily Casey ? @EmilyCaseysMuse | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MaganVernon um.. because I just started coming to this chat? #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Price determined by author = good IMO RT @hpinski: How does everyone feel about cost of eBooks. Low cost=bad for authors or good? #indiechat | |||||||||
Sara Fawkes ? @SaraFawkes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Smart! :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Just check out your website. Gorgeous covers. Yowza. =D #indiechat | |||||||||
RaShelle Workman ? @RaShelleWorkman | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Me too. I found 4 pics of the same model for the whole series before starting on the first cover. #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LornaSuzuki ugh, that is a giant bummer. I could never think of doing that. #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero I'm young and I work full-time and write. It sucks, but I write more on my breaks at work than anywhere else. #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LM_Preston @MaganVernon Yeah, I was thinking relationships might be key. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MaganVernon We still have space available for summer bookings. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn Have no idea what the unifying theme would be, besides male POVs. I'm still considering it. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree it's easy with Kindlegraph #Indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio We may need to discuss covers someday. #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@RaShelleWorkman thanks =^.^= #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree Do you mean @kindlegraph? Or do you mean ebook cards (with a download code)? #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree Like Kindlegraph? #indiechat | |||||||||
Addison Moore ? @Addison_Moore | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@AuthorCKBryant good idea. One of my clients did that. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MaganVernon You're better off. I'm not even old enough to get a part-time job! There's school and such. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@laurapauling It hasn't happened with sales in UK,only in N.America.But I can see this pattern of reading the series & returning! #indiechat | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@EmilyCaseysMuse and if a low price point gets you more buyers. Just sayin. #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Look at what sells in the top 100 of your category, pricing @EmilyCaseysMuse: @hpinski if an ebook is priced below $2.50 #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@patricialynne07 One of my tweeps said she knows a person who does this, & feels it's okay bc of the 7-day return policy! She 1/2 #indiechat | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
low price in epub is going away. it helps if you have a series and one book is free or 99 cents but overall that wave has passed #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio You cover artist temptress you. May be emailing you later #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
IF I publish an e-book, would $1.29 be a good price? #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Addison_Moore Oh Kindlegraph, you just reminded me I need to check if I have books to sign in my queue. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
where do you see digital pubbing in 5 years? #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero I should have started writing during school! Way more time than A do now. #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
ROFL!! RT @MaganVernon: @KatGirl_Studio You cover artist temptress you. May be emailing you later #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MaganVernon I'm sorry? lol #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@patricialynne07 2/2 reasoned that it's not pirating bc she paid 4 it.If she can read & return within return date, it's all good! #indiechat | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes Are you thinking 2.99 and up is good or higher? #indiechat | |||||||||
Addison Moore ? @Addison_Moore | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
I think price point depends on many factors: genre, author notoriety, etc... #indiechat | |||||||||
RaShelle Workman ? @RaShelleWorkman | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
only you know that - do some research in your genre. RT @chihuahuazero: IF I publish an e-book, would $1.29 be a good price? #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes Do you know why the wave is passing? Just curious. #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
RT @srjohannes: where do you see digital pubbing in 5 years? #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@MaganVernon You should check out @KatGirl_Studio 's works, she is a true artist! #indiechat | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
What should an author expect to pay for high quality cover art--or does it vary largely? #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero Go with 99 or 2.99. Odd numbers don't work for some reason. And 1.99 doesn't. Don't know why. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Great question! @srjohannes: where do you see digital pubbing in 5 years? #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Would love a language converter for my ebooks :-D RT @srjohannes: where do you see digital pubbing in 5 years? #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero I put mine at $2.99, same price as a cup of coffee. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes I'm hoping for more interactive books. I really, really like the one's I've read on the iPad and iPhone. #indiechat | |||||||||
RaShelle Workman ? @RaShelleWorkman | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero I did $1.29 for my novelettes and it was ok. They do better at 99 don't want 99, 2.99 is best. The 1's don't work. #indiechat | |||||||||
Stacey W. Benefiel ? @Stacey_WB | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LornaSuzuki *headdesk* Should ask if she goes to a restaurant, eats the food, throws it up and demands her money back too? #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@srjohannes More mainstream. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Digital publishing in 5 years will allow publishers to break through language and territorial barriers for content #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
5 years? More interactive platforms, increased audience immersion/participation, more transmedia... #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell it varies. depends on if they are doing front only, wrap around, typography or only illustration. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@hpinski maybe they'll buy but not read. Not good for word of mouth or repeat sales. #indiechat | |||||||||
Emily Casey ? @EmilyCaseysMuse | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
fact - < 10% of self pub ebooks sell >100 copies b sure U do it right. I know its hard 2 spend $ but you get out what you put it #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Thinks @KatGirl_Studio and her may be discussing some design work. #indiechat | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@Stacey_WB $3 not too much for a short story collection totalling about 50K words? #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio @chihuahuazero Me too. #indiechat | |||||||||
February Grace ? @FebruaryGrace | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@LM_Preston @srjohannes OMG yes! #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@me_brady yup :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn @srjohannes My first thought on the subject is more tightly regulated. #indiechat | |||||||||
M.A. Leslie ? @maleslie11 | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Agreed. I think it will be more global. @LM_Preston: will allow publishers to break through language and territorial barriers #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@RaShelleWorkman what is an interactive book, I'm so new to this #indiechat | |||||||||
Kristin White ? @KWMystic | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio What's the range, say image and text, full wrap? #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell It varies depending on skill and popularity of artist. Personally I'd say learn to do it yourself, worked for me! #indiechat | |||||||||
Sara Fawkes ? @SaraFawkes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@susankayequinn @Battista_j If digital boundaries via language was broken - wowsa! the opportunities #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@SaraFawkes What program(s) do you use? #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
Regulated by who? @maleslie11: @susankayequinn @srjohannes My first thought on the subject is more tightly regulated. #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@me_brady they are starting to but alot of publishers are limiting the # of downloads which is hurting them #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
1h | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell I could give you that easily if i was at home on that computer. Sadly I'm not. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
59m | |||||||||
@LornaSuzuki Also tell her that's what libraries are for and she won't have to waste time paying the author. =\ #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
59m | |||||||||
@LM_Preston i still want to talk to you offline :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
59m | |||||||||
@patricialynne07 It sounded like this reader has been doing this4 a while&as long as Amazon doesn't stop her,why should she stop? #indiechat | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
59m | |||||||||
@KWMystic Books that include music at the beginning of each chapter, or author interviews, or pictures the move. #indiechat | |||||||||
RaShelle Workman ? @RaShelleWorkman | |||||||||
59m | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero I think $2.99 is as high as I would go for a short story of up to 30K wds #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
59m | |||||||||
Okay #indiechat I have to go work on a novella so go make me happy and buy How to Break Up With an Alien for it's big book birthday! | |||||||||
Magan Vernon ? @MaganVernon | |||||||||
59m | |||||||||
@FebruaryGrace @KatGirl_Studio I only thought 1.29 because I can do "instead of one iTunes song, you can buy seven stories!" #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
59m | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero Think of it this way - 99cent/story - more than 3 stories in it? Totally worth it. I'm making mine $4.99, yo. #indiechat | |||||||||
Stacey W. Benefiel ? @Stacey_WB | |||||||||
59m | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell How I get my prices is I look at the industry book and compare it to the other designers. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
59m | |||||||||
when books r selling at 2.99 I would do lower for short story. you will get killed in ratings RT @LM_Preston: @chihuahuazero #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
58m | |||||||||
@LornaSuzuki That just makes me sad and angry. #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
58m | |||||||||
I'd like to be able to put all the links to my other books in the front/back and reader just click within ebook to purchase all #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
58m | |||||||||
@RaShelleWorkman Thanks #indiechat | |||||||||
Kristin White ? @KWMystic | |||||||||
58m | |||||||||
au revoir all, I gotta head out! nighty nighty. #indiechat | |||||||||
Karly Kirkpatrick ? @karlkirkpatrick | |||||||||
58m | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero well if you have it set at $1.29 you only get 35% but if you have it set at $2.99 you get 70% #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
57m | |||||||||
@LM_Preston r u talklign embedded links? b/c you can do that - or something else? #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
57m | |||||||||
@patricialynne07 That's the sense I got, it's like a 'borrow' for 7 days & she can get her money back if she's done in time! #indiechat. | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
58m | |||||||||
Depends - erotica/romance can do it RT @srjohannes: at 2.99 I would do lower for short story.RT @LM_Preston: @chihuahuazero #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
58m | |||||||||
@karlkirkpatrick g/night! #indiechat | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
57m | |||||||||
E-books and libraries. I would that work? #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
57m | |||||||||
@KWMystic David Farland has a book app that's 2.99 for the iPad. The name of the book is Nightingale. It was so much fun to read. #indiechat | |||||||||
RaShelle Workman ? @RaShelleWorkman | |||||||||
57m | |||||||||
@MasqCrew That sounds extremely low. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
57m | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero @katgirl_studio that is a cute concept, I didn't realize it was short stories mine is a full novel. #indiechat | |||||||||
February Grace ? @FebruaryGrace | |||||||||
57m | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree I don't recommend http://Lulu.com. For eBooks use http://Smashwords.com and paperbacks use http://CreateSpace.com #indiechat | |||||||||
AshleyNicole Shelton ? @TheGiftedSeries | |||||||||
57m | |||||||||
oh i was thinking YA RT @LM_Preston: erotica/romance can do it RT @srjohannes: I would do lower for short story.R@chihuahuazero #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
57m | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell GIMP cuz I'm too cheap for PS but I find stock photos, dl fonts from http://dafont.com and make them myself #indiechat | |||||||||
Sara Fawkes ? @SaraFawkes | |||||||||
57m | |||||||||
Improved embedded links. More instant RT @srjohannes: r u talklign embedded links? b/c you can do that - or something else? #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
57m | |||||||||
@patricialynne07 I have 9 novels in my fantasy series, & I noticed the returns are only for the 1st 3 optioned for a movie. lol #indiechat | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
@LM_Preston @srjohannes Nah. I'm thinking of trying other stories because YA romance. :p #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
But for a collection you can go higher. @srjohannes: when books r selling at 2.99 I would do lower for short story.@chihuahuazero #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
@SaraFawkes Very cool. I've heard of GIMP. Need to check it out. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
@RaShelleWorkman I see that as more enhanced than interactive? #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
@SaraFawkes I love GIMP! Used it to do all my covers. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell I've seen everything from $50-2k. really it comes down to style, experience, deliverables etc. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
& it's not even like we authors make a lot of $ from ebook sales! RT @patricialynne07: That just makes me sad and angry. #indiechat | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
You have leeway with Romance tho RT @chihuahuazero: @srjohannes Nah. I'm thinking of trying other stories because YA romance. :p #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
The main obstacle blocking major adoption of e-books are the limitations put on lending by the publishers. #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
Missed #indiechat. Ugh. | |||||||||
Brooks J. Young ? @BrooksJYoung | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
I think in 5 years interactive will mean more than what we see now as enhanced eBooks. #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
55m | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Yeah. I guess the key is to see sample work you like first. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
56m | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree Also I don't recommend using Amazon or B&N only pub b/c then you lose a lot of reader base w/ different resources #indiechat | |||||||||
AshleyNicole Shelton ? @TheGiftedSeries | |||||||||
55m | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero I set mine at $2.99 and its a 96k+ word book. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
55m | |||||||||
@hpinski I hope so. #indiechat | |||||||||
RaShelle Workman ? @RaShelleWorkman | |||||||||
55m | |||||||||
RT @srjohannes: The main obstacle blocking major adoption of e-books are the limitations put on lending by the publishers. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
55m | |||||||||
Digital publishing will continue to grow like the digital music industry has grown and changed. #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
55m | |||||||||
@LornaSuzuki Only benefit I can really see is the "sale" would raise your ranking a bit, but not much. =\ #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
55m | |||||||||
I did not know this! RT @srjohannes: main obstacle blocking maj adoption of ebooks are limitations put on lending by publishers #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
54m | |||||||||
Don't forget to publish your ebooks on google books and other ebook sites with loyal customers #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
54m | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell also some designers only do photo manipulation covers, some only illustration. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
54m | |||||||||
@LM_Preston @srjohannes I feel some whiplash over the many YA romances that don't click for me. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
54m | |||||||||
@srjohannes On average a book is read by 5 - 7 people, so the e-book industry needs to keep that in mind #indiechat | |||||||||
Kristin White ? @KWMystic | |||||||||
54m | |||||||||
and prob funding too RT @hpinski RT @srjohannes: main obstacle blocking adoption of ebooks are lending limitations #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
54m | |||||||||
@meggjensen Do most readers have Kindlegraph though, in your experience? #indiechat | |||||||||
Lori-Anne Poirier ? @MrsPearTree | |||||||||
54m | |||||||||
@patricialynne07 Has only been a handful, but it makes me wonder how many other readers are doing this to other authors. #indiechat | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
53m | |||||||||
Do you get many sales on google books? @LM_Preston: Dont forget to publish your ebooks on google books #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
53m | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell right now my DAEMONS cover is a hot style called an enhanced photo cover. It takes a special skill set. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
53m | |||||||||
@susankayequinn Check genre first, some have short stories going for $2.99 so novels can start $4.99 and sell #indiechat | |||||||||
Sara Fawkes ? @SaraFawkes | |||||||||
53m | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell It's not THE most in-depth image software but OMG you get so much for the price (free)!! #indiechat | |||||||||
Sara Fawkes ? @SaraFawkes | |||||||||
53m | |||||||||
Well they are for teens :-D RT @chihuahuazero: I feel some whiplash over the many YA romances that don't click for me. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
53m | |||||||||
@LornaSuzuki I do as well, but I have to hope that most people will be honest with their buys #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
53m | |||||||||
About 10-15 a month but mostly exposure RT @susankayequinn: Do you get many sales on google books? #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
52m | |||||||||
Anyone with Kindle can kindlegraph, yes? @MrsPearTree: @meggjensen Do most readers have Kindlegraph though #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
52m | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Love that look. Sadly, I have expensive taste. :P #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
52m | |||||||||
@susankayequinn @LM_Preston Really? I hated the platform and they were always messing with my prices. I took mine down. #indiechat | |||||||||
Stacey W. Benefiel ? @Stacey_WB | |||||||||
52m | |||||||||
@susankayequinn I think Kindlegraph. But I wonder how many readers actually have it? Is it worth organizing a reading? #indiechat | |||||||||
Lori-Anne Poirier ? @MrsPearTree | |||||||||
52m | |||||||||
Genre and author :) @SaraFawkes: Check genre first, some have short stories going for $2.99 so novels can start $4.99 #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
52m | |||||||||
@SaraFawkes Oh, is that a free one? Sweet. I thought it was like a $30 program. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
52m | |||||||||
@LM_Preston I prefer to focus on more #LGBT issues than vanilla romance. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
52m | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell in what? #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
51m | |||||||||
what is kindlegraph? #indiechat | |||||||||
Paperbook Princess ? @Paperbook_Blog | |||||||||
51m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam That's what I want to do with my series <3 #indiechat | |||||||||
AshleyNicole Shelton ? @TheGiftedSeries | |||||||||
51m | |||||||||
Got to duck out from #indiechat for now! It was a slice! Thank you for sharing! | |||||||||
Lorna Suzuki ? @LornaSuzuki | |||||||||
51m | |||||||||
@SaraFawkes @beccajcampbell I have ZERO photo editing experience, and I've been able to use GIMP. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
51m | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Cover design. Probably anything visual. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
51m | |||||||||
@Paperbook_Blog its an app that allows you to sign Kindle books. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
51m | |||||||||
@laurapauling it does take a lot of work but I think it's worth it #indiechat | |||||||||
AshleyNicole Shelton ? @TheGiftedSeries | |||||||||
51m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam @SaraFawkes Nice! #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
51m | |||||||||
@MrsPearTree I always use paper for signings. And when I bring my ereader to a signing, I have the author sign the device! #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
50m | |||||||||
As long as you can portray it realistically you know RT @chihuahuazero: I focus on more #LGBT issues than vanilla romance. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
50m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam Lucky! I have the gimp installed, but other than simple things I can not wrap my head around it. #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
50m | |||||||||
Signing off folks. Great chat. See you next week. HUGS #IndieChat | |||||||||
Christine Bryant ? @AuthorCKBryant | |||||||||
50m | |||||||||
There's your theme! @chihuahuazero: @LM_Preston I prefer to focus on more #LGBT issues than vanilla romance. #indiechat | |||||||||
SusanKayeQuinn ? @susankayequinn | |||||||||
50m | |||||||||
Gotta go, but it's been fun! Thanks to all for participating tonight! #indiechat | |||||||||
Karen A. Hooper ? @Karen_Hooper | |||||||||
50m | |||||||||
@susankayequinn Very true but definitely check genre standards for pricing. $.99 isn't the boom it used to be #indiechat | |||||||||
Sara Fawkes ? @SaraFawkes | |||||||||
49m | |||||||||
Kindlegraph sounds great for a free program. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
49m | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell Get GIMP, some stock images and free fonts and there you go. Book cover :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
49m | |||||||||
@Paperbook_Blog see here's mine http://www.kindlegraph.com/books?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search=daemons+in+the+mist #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
49m | |||||||||
@susankayequinn Do you really? Where--on the back in permanent marker? #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
49m | |||||||||
@LM_Preston I hang out with LGBT people in the Internet and I had done research. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
49m | |||||||||
Thanks to everyone for stopping by!!! Gotta sleep. ;) #Indiechat | |||||||||
Megg Jensen ? @meggjensen | |||||||||
49m | |||||||||
Now I didn't say I liked the platform, lol! RT @Stacey_WB: @susankayequinn Really? they were messing with my prices. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
49m | |||||||||
@patricialynne07 There are still some things I can't do, but I mess around with it a lot. Strangely, I enjoy it. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
49m | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell Yeah it's free and has a ton of features I've never used, but I still learned to do my own stuff :-) #indiechat | |||||||||
Sara Fawkes ? @SaraFawkes | |||||||||
49m | |||||||||
@susankayequinn @LM_Preston Nah. I want to do some cisgender, hetreosexual protags also. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
49m | |||||||||
i think it takes more design skill than just that RT @chel_c_cam: @beccajcampbell Get GIMP, stock images free font :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
48m | |||||||||
There's a strong market for it RT @chihuahuazero: I hang out with LGBT people in the Internet and I had done research. :) #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
48m | |||||||||
Laters, #indiechat peeps. Great talk tonight. #indiechat | |||||||||
RaShelle Workman ? @RaShelleWorkman | |||||||||
48m | |||||||||
Gosh, did time fly or what?! #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
48m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam I've tried messing with it and somehow I managed to do a simple animation one time, but it was pure luck! LOL #indiechat | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
48m | |||||||||
Thanks all! Good night. #indiechat | |||||||||
Jeanette Battista ? @Battista_j | |||||||||
48m | |||||||||
I do see a lot who still need professional editing. #indiechat | |||||||||
Peg Robarchek ? @coachpegr | |||||||||
48m | |||||||||
@LM_Preston I was going to think you were magical if you did. It confused the heck out of me. #indiechat | |||||||||
Stacey W. Benefiel ? @Stacey_WB | |||||||||
48m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam @beccajcampbell Ditto, GIMP is a good start (free!!) to decide if u want to move up 2more powerful/expensive programs #indiechat | |||||||||
Sara Fawkes ? @SaraFawkes | |||||||||
47m | |||||||||
@srjohannes Sure. You've got to know something about design. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
47m | |||||||||
@srjohannes ya I'd have to agree with you. Having all the tools doesn't make you a designer persay. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
47m | |||||||||
@susankayequinn Absolutely! It definitely helps with my character development. I like to map out my character before #indiechat | |||||||||
AshleyNicole Shelton ? @TheGiftedSeries | |||||||||
47m | |||||||||
Night all, thanks for a great chat! #indiechat | |||||||||
Hilary Sierpinski ? @hpinski | |||||||||
47m | |||||||||
@susankayequinn ...I really devel into my series. It really makes my series come alive as I write it. #indiechat | |||||||||
AshleyNicole Shelton ? @TheGiftedSeries | |||||||||
47m | |||||||||
@LM_Preston But I'm not sure if I can do an entire LGBT collection. I like variety. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
47m | |||||||||
Even my distributor doesn't use them RT @Stacey_WB: I was thinking you were magical if you did. It confused the heck out of me. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
47m | |||||||||
thanks everyone for coming. Next week we celebrate @indeliblewriter Beach Bash w/new releases and giveaways! same time same place #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
46m | |||||||||
good night #indiechat great chat like always! | |||||||||
Elle Strauss ? @elle_strauss | |||||||||
46m | |||||||||
You should separate since 2 diff markets RT @chihuahuazero: I'm not sure if I can do an entire LGBT collection. I like variety. #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
46m | |||||||||
Great idea! @KatGirl_Studio Grab a few author friends and make a sample anthology. #indiechat | |||||||||
Peg Robarchek ? @coachpegr | |||||||||
46m | |||||||||
It was fun, #indiechat!! Now I must go #edit! | |||||||||
Katie Klein ? @katiekleinbooks | |||||||||
46m | |||||||||
My covers are painted in Painter and the design layout is done in Indesign which is the industry standard program. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
46m | |||||||||
photoshopping skillds are key @KatGirl_Studio @beccajcampbell #indiechat #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
46m | |||||||||
@srjohannes @indeliblewriter Good night too! Great chat! #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
46m | |||||||||
@srjohannes Design skill can be learned. Lol I'm living proof ;-D #indiechat @chel_c_cam @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
Sara Fawkes ? @SaraFawkes | |||||||||
46m | |||||||||
@srjohannes @beccajcampbell Yes! There is skill involved. I meant that it CAN be done for cheap. Guess that didn't come across. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
45m | |||||||||
@Paperbook_Blog anyone can. You "request it" and then I get a message and then "sign it" #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
45m | |||||||||
RT @srjohannes: photoshopping skillds are key @KatGirl_Studio @beccajcampbell #indiechat #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
45m | |||||||||
Well, take care all #indiechat | |||||||||
lmpreston ? @LM_Preston | |||||||||
45m | |||||||||
@SaraFawkes @srjohannes @chel_c_cam Ha ha! I might try it but wouldn't want to put something out there that wasn't quality. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
45m | |||||||||
@susankayequinn So it's still relevant? Good to know. Been wondering if it's worth trying! #indiechat | |||||||||
Lori-Anne Poirier ? @MrsPearTree | |||||||||
44m | |||||||||
my Suffocate cover was >$200 - stock not original like Untraceable. @vlc_photo knows her stuff @chel_c_cam @beccajcampbell #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
44m | |||||||||
@srjohannes ya, though I don't use Photoshop really. its text applications are not as good or as crisp as Indesign. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
44m | |||||||||
funny i use photoshop and indesign interchangeably - ah! RT @KatGirl_Studio: #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
43m | |||||||||
@beccajcampbell @SaraFawkes I learned by experimenting. If you don't have the time, or inclination, it's better to hire someone #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
43m | |||||||||
@srjohannes I was actually comparing 2 printed books today same fonts. one done in PS and Word and the other in Indesign... #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
43m | |||||||||
@LM_Preston bye! #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
43m | |||||||||
@srjohannes Guess which one was better. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
43m | |||||||||
@srjohannes but PS doesn't have the same text options its especially lacking with justification and hyphenation tools. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
42m | |||||||||
Had a nice time on #indiechat now it's time to finish #writing for today. Tissues are nearby as I'm sick again, ugh... | |||||||||
Sara Fawkes ? @SaraFawkes | |||||||||
41m | |||||||||
Well that was oodles of fun. Nice chatting w/ the #indiechat tweeplez. Now off to do something productive... maybe... we'll see. ;) | |||||||||
Patricia ? @patricialynne07 | |||||||||
41m | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio i use indesign but also say im photoshopping :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
41m | |||||||||
@srjohannes @vlc_photo @beccajcampbell Are you doing a reveal soon? #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
41m | |||||||||
thx for coming @patricialynne07 @SaraFawkes @chel_c_cam #indiechat #writing@MrsPearTree #indiechat@beccajcampbell #indiechat #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
41m | |||||||||
@srjohannes the only thing I do in PS lately is ads and dropping my watermark on my art. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
40m | |||||||||
thanks for coming! @chihuahuazero @coachpegr #indiechat@TheGiftedSeries #indiechat@hpinski #indiechat #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
40m | |||||||||
autography is better RT @Paperbook_Blog: what is kindlegraph? #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
39m | |||||||||
@srjohannes Yes, good to meet and chat! #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
40m | |||||||||
Thanks #indiechat authors - I learned a lot from y'all tonight :-) | |||||||||
Lori-Anne Poirier ? @MrsPearTree | |||||||||
39m | |||||||||
@srjohannes do you have a link to your designer? #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
39m | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio So you'd recommend InDesign over PS? #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
39m | |||||||||
@srjohannes link? never heard of that. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
39m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam for making covers? #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
38m | |||||||||
@srjohannes looking forward to doing that cover post for you =^.^= #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
37m | |||||||||
I missed #indiechat. Do you guys always meet on Tuesdays? | |||||||||
Doug Solter ? @DougSolter | |||||||||
37m | |||||||||
@MaganVernon You have AWESOME FANS! @srjohannes #indiechat | |||||||||
K8 ? @Froze8 | |||||||||
37m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam are you looking for a program to make art or to layout books? #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
37m | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio I have GIMP, but I'd like to get something with more options. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
37m | |||||||||
@DougSolter Yes, at 9 Eastern. #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
36m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam I make my art in Painter and then layout the book in Indesign. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
36m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam I've never used GIMP #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
36m | |||||||||
@susankayequinn I'm not satisfied with "standard" YA romance, although I'm not sure if I'll dabble much in LGBT romance--yet. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
35m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam how about this. tell me exactly what you want to do and I'll advice you as to what program will work best for you. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
34m | |||||||||
I gotta put the little guy to bed. Later! #indiechat #indiechat | |||||||||
Becca Campbell ? @beccajcampbell | |||||||||
34m | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio It's a free photo-editor, but doesn't have as many options as I'd like. #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
34m | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero what about romance with explosions, assassins and things that shouldn't exist? #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
33m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam what options are lacking that you would like? #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
33m | |||||||||
@srjohannes Sorry I missed #indiechat visited a friend today. Chat with you tomorrow :) | |||||||||
K8 ? @Froze8 | |||||||||
32m | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Perhaps I should check out more "spy fiction"? A bit outlandish for me, but... #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
29m | |||||||||
@srjohannes thats pretty cool, i will check them both out. thanks! #indiechat | |||||||||
Paperbook Princess ? @Paperbook_Blog | |||||||||
29m | |||||||||
Totally missing my #indiechat peeps. Gonna watch The Doctor, do some work, and read some #TeamAlien @MaganVernon | |||||||||
K8 ? @Froze8 | |||||||||
29m | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero Cuz that's what my book Daemons in the mist has. It's romance but half the readership is male. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
28m | |||||||||
@KatGirl_Studio Hmm...perhaps I should check it out once I have an Amazon budget? #indiechat | |||||||||
Chihuahua Zero ? @chihuahuazero | |||||||||
27m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam ok for layering pics you want to use Photoshop. for layout of text and books you want Indesign. #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
27m | |||||||||
@Froze8 Doctor Who for the win! #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
27m | |||||||||
@chihuahuazero you can read the first 7 chapters for free on my site http://www.katgirlstudio.com/book/daemons-in-the-mist-book/ #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
25m | |||||||||
@susankayequinn My Series is a 5 book series. Then I'll have one with the short story spin offs. I already have them written... #indiechat | |||||||||
AshleyNicole Shelton ? @TheGiftedSeries | |||||||||
25m | |||||||||
I need to head to dance class now peeps, ttyl #indiechat | |||||||||
Alicia Kat Dillman ? @KatGirl_Studio | |||||||||
25m | |||||||||
@chel_c_cam its up :) http://bit.ly/33uzgw #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
21m | |||||||||
@Froze8 ok :) #indiechat | |||||||||
Shelli (srjohannes) ? @srjohannes | |||||||||
21m | |||||||||
@srjohannes WOW. Soooo good. Bravo Vania! That's going to stand out among the "girl in frilly dress" covers that are everywhere #indiechat | |||||||||
Chelsea Cameron ? @chel_c_cam | |||||||||
15m | |||||||||
#indiechat |
Selasa, 15 Mei 2012
#indiechat Transcripts 5/15/12
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