Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Wow what a week!

I've been busier than a one armed paper hanger this week and haven't been able to complete the two big articles I'm currently writing.... Anyone want to lend me an extra 8 hours to add to my days?

I'm working on several things, but suddenly is Saturday and I realize I haven't updated in a while.  So I'm going to mash a whole lot of stuff  in here right now, and hopefully I'll have time to elaborate on some of these topics very soon. Feel free to do some research on these topics while you wait though!

In short point form here are the big highlights for this week on the economic topic:

  • The Global Revaluation of Currencies (including the IQD and Dong) is a done deal.  All 3 letter agencies have signed off on it, all countries have signed off on it.  It has been confirmed that it is now in the hands of the "banks".  The Bank in control of "pushing the button" is said to be Wells Fargo. (interesting aside: it is strongly rumoured that a certain country has just purchased a substantial piece of WF..... *hint: what do bricks and chopsticks have in common?
  • Everyone holding IQD and Dong better have their running shoes on and all their paperwork in order and be standing next to the starting blocks, because last night we were told "on your marks"
  • Many many Prosperity Packages (PPs) have been launched and delivered (more details to follow later this week)
  • The World Global Settlements (WGS) are being launched today. I do not have an exact amount, but last summer the number talked about was $47 trillion US dollars.  After years of being blocked by government Cabal members and extremely crooked bankers (cough cough cough*dimon*cough cough cough), it is believed that it will finally be delivered imminently. Along with the WGS it is rumoured that the CMKX payouts will also be made- I do NOT have confirmation of this and to be honest, I'm not very familiar with the CMKX situation. Again, I will have more info about this hopefully later next week
  • The launch of the new US Treasury Notes is rumoured to be happening very soon as well, but at this moment I have not receive any solid confirmation of time frame, just "soon"
  • It has been strongly suggested that "Dinarians" diversify into strong currencies, such as the Canadian and Australian dollar, Chinese Yuan.  Also to stay liquid and not have money tied into government or bank investments, and to stay away from gold bullion - but buying old silver and gold coins etc... is not a bad idea.  I will have more info on this later this week

Rumours of more arrests this week, and they are starting to get seriously high profile.  One of the most important arrests, as reported by the White Hats is that of Dr. Herzog, who is apparently singing like a canary and pointing very dirty fingers at Romney and Bush among others.

April 27, 2012 - The White Hats Report #40Dr. Michael Herzog Arrested By German Authorities – Has Great Voice, Sings Like A Pro.
Please recall the winner-takes-all media confrontation between the White Hats Reports #35, #38 and #39 and a well known International Hedge Fund wherein Dr. Herzog tried to use a namesake as a front, hired some high priced legal muscle and used the well known fund to shield himself and his fraudulent activities for the beneficial interest of Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush.
Well ... two weeks ago, Dr. Michael Herzog was arrested in Germany following police raids on his home and the homes and offices of several of his criminal associates.  As the circle widens, Dr. Herzog’s activities are creating major implications for all of the crooked political, banking and US Government parties that have assisted him. Herzog is now in deep, deep trouble and his associates will all follow in the same footsteps. How do we know this?  We now know who they are from the reams of notes, transaction receipts, pay orders with instruction sets, and transcripts of Herzog and his associates illicit acts.
In addition, Dr. Herzog was detained for further questioning yesterday.  The outcome?  Dr. Herzog has a great voice and is singing like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  Bush, Ackermann, Dewhurst, Romney plus hundreds of people in the world financial markets, at the highest levels, in the agencies, past Presidents and elected leaders of numerous countries, our American Congressman and Senators are all named.  Yes, it has been a treasure trove of names, places and events, including orders for physical violence up to and including termination for those that did not cooperate in the methods of the Cabal. The Bird is out of the cage and the cats hate the harmonious singing.
As if all of the above wasn’t enough to swallow for one week, selective high level members of the House of Lords were informed last night that Josef Ackermann has been taken in for questioning on numerous issues instigated by Merkel, and that large scale operations are now planned with cross border cooperation, as the Cabal’s International Network gets publicly unraveled.  Greenspan is now the subject of ever more allegations and inquiries.  Tony Blair's Vatican accounts and his JP Morgan bagman role is now being assessed, as is his history of receiving Bush related funds.  The net is now closing in on many of them.
Ackermann was sidestepped for a key Bilderberg role.  Now serious criminal investigations will intensify the focus on both he and Deutsche Bank.  The Berlin Federal Prosecutors Office is focused on the trail of crime linked to Herzog and the immense scale of US Political Racketeering and CIA collusion which is emerging.
Herzog’s Berlin Court arrest is filed under Charge Case No. 83 Js 960/06. His arrested associates to date are Josef Birch, Case No. 83 Js 792 /05, address given as 34/36 King Edward Street, Darlaston, West Midlands, UK and Heinz Bosche, Case No. 47 Js 127/06.
We have information and belief that Birch supplied a false address and believe this is a Joseph Birch from Cornwall. In fact, it is believed to be Sir Joseph Birch, a well known Bush crony and associate, which we are now tracking, to help German Police and have him deported back to Germany. If this is the Joseph Birch we believe it may be, he comes with a long history of fraud, litigation and Bush connections.
In other significant news, it has been learned that Sarkozy needs to assist in the release of the Global Settlements to save his Presidency. Merkel needs it to save the Euro and EU model. If the EU goes, Germany's industrial base will collapse.
We are continuing to unravel the web of criminal conspiracy of the international Cabal. Germany's arrest of Herzog and associates is a major first step as it will lead investigators to the central, prominent cabal members in Europe and America. We have named just the first few. We will continue naming names, especially of those in the US through a series of reports that will be released starting next week.
Click HERE for original article

Enerchi of Ascension With Mother Earth is still compiling all of "Drakes" interviews, which can be accessed  HERE. Lots of new info coming out all the time.

American Kabuki received this bit of interesting, yet unconfirmed intel:

This month will continue its course. It has been a murky and cloudy month. Tensions and efforts have been misdirected or muted. Energies have been haywire....this will continue for a few days into May.
 May will be a defining time for the human race. There is a period of time that is Astronomically important...I mean that quite literally. From May 8th through May 20th there will be energies coming to us from many directions. But these energies are of positive sychronicity. We will have 12 days to prepare for what will be coming up. As a human race we will dive into very intense personal discussion on some very key topics. Events will be unfolding in such a manner that heartfelt discussion will be the only option.
In the upcoming weeks you will see a rapid transition of the economy. I think it might be frightful to many people, as change always is. There will be an immediate desire to accept the new changes by many as well. These are the ones who have ears....and listen.

******(side comment) American, in the upcoming month I feel it important to inform you that you must stay diligent and steadfast. It is going to get crazy. Keep your cool and wits about you. This is not only a month of change for the outward, but many conflicts in the realm of "GOD" will come into play. I use that term loosely. Basically the things that make "you"...."you" will be challenged. Keep rooted.

This is where everyone (including myself) can finally participate. I feel so hopeless at times to help the progression of what is coming. I am humbled often by the knowledge that while I am is every other cog in this clock called Earth. I so very badly want to make public the things I know, but that is not my place. It is however my place to share with you what I can.

The American Dollar will end. I will not give a specific time or date. I have reason to suspect it will be this month. I cannot disclose how this will come about. Do know that it is very complicated and a work in progress. Luckily with the end goal of being rid of fiat dominance.....most everyone is on board. I have a feeling that this will soon be talked about very openly. The media will not truly know how to cover this time of news. Mainly because they haven't reported news for a while now. This is where you and many others come in.

The entire article by American Kabuki can be found HERE 

My friends, the world is about to change. Radically.  You don't need to fear, you don't need to panic.  You need to read and research, and be prepared.  Be ready for the massive changes, be ready to help others- both in understanding what's going on, and helping your community by working together.  This is not a time of division, it is a time of coming together.

United we stand, divided we.............

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