I'm so swamped today that I'm not going to be able to spend much time with explanations and critiques of these links.... but this info is very important to be put out there for everyone to read and listen to. As usual, I'm just posting what info I have been given, you read and listen and then decide for yourself..... and hey! Do some research!!
First off, the Iraqi Dinar revaluation. While the usual naysayers are still running rampant, the intel on the impending RV is astounding and very convincing. Never before have so many Intel providers been on the same (relative) page as they are now. All info is pointing to the fact that we are on the cusp of this happening, that the rates are all set and just need to be dropped into the front teller screens and the starter pistol fired. Regardless of what the ultra patriotic want to believe, China is the big boy holding the bat over the guy with the button that needs to be pushed.
First off, the Iraqi Dinar revaluation. While the usual naysayers are still running rampant, the intel on the impending RV is astounding and very convincing. Never before have so many Intel providers been on the same (relative) page as they are now. All info is pointing to the fact that we are on the cusp of this happening, that the rates are all set and just need to be dropped into the front teller screens and the starter pistol fired. Regardless of what the ultra patriotic want to believe, China is the big boy holding the bat over the guy with the button that needs to be pushed.
This article was posted on Ben Fulford's blog that gives some background as to why China is holding the bat:
From Ben Fulford’s Blog: Obama’s 50 Trillion Dollar Mistake, April 19, 2012
April 19, 2012
From a reader:
Obama’s 50 Trillion Dollar MistakeWashington, D. C.– Iraq economy coming back – US derailed by DINAR
Promises of the self-financed Iraq war advanced by Bush/Chaney administration were derailed by Obama Administration costing each US tax payer $414,000 – $1,150,000,000 or between $129,000 and $138,000 per citizen. Even by Washington standards that is a lot of money. By comparison the US debt is currently $138,000 per taxpayer and $50,000 per US citizen (http://www.usdebtclock.org/)
The national curency for Iraq, the Iraqi Dinar (IQD), was changed for US Federal Reserve Dollars during the Iraq War. After the new government was established in 2011 the new IQD were to replace the old US dollar as the currency. For alleged self-serving reasons the Obama Administration thwarted the global community banking system from putting the exchange price in place. Since the US Treasury or the Federal Reserve were holding 7.5 Trillion IQD the potential gain to the US Treasury was between 33.8 Trillion – 92.1 Trillion Dollars.
Since there has never been an audit of the Federal Reserve or the US Treasury, the location of the 7.5 Trillion IQD is unknown. What is known is that along with the 7.5 Trillion IQD the US was given the right to buy Iraqi oil at approximately 30 dollars per barrel after a stipulated holding period rather than at market rates. The exact terms of this Bush/Cheney agreement are allegedly confidential. The problem is that the US lost most of its IQD when the Chinese requested the return of gold on loan to the US. The only collateral available to the US that the Chinese would accept, in lieu of gold, was the US IQD DINAR holdings. Sources say at least 3.5 and then another 3.0 trillion IQD were handed over to the Chinese since the US had not the gold to make good on this obligation. Since then both Venezuela and Switzerland have demanded the return of their gold.
This loss is not the fault of the Chinese, rather the profligate mismanagement of other people’s gold reserves by the Federal Reserve and Treasury a line which the Federal Reserve Act likes to blur at its convenience. According to sources the Chinese have been diligently working with IMF to solve this problem. Being the US’s largest trading partner the Chinese wish no ill for the American economy or it’s people.
The Ron Paul campaign has succeeded in bringing the corruption of the FED to the main stream to some extent, but his discoveries are only the tip of the iceberg. The White Hats organization have also focused the financial chicanerary of our current administration and prior administrations through their reports to be found at http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.ca/. In its 39th release it fingers very suspicious financial activity by both the Democratic and Republican parties and their respective nominees.
Our country’s full faith and credit depends upon ethics and fair dealings, as well as balance sheets. Failed delivery of other people’s gold symbolizes the worst bad faith and bad credit. When the final story is told about the gold and and silver markets manipulation we will learn just how bad that faith and credit were supervised by the Fed/US Treasury. A fee market economy should never depend upon manipulated markets.
If We the People do not monitor the government it is like leaving the teenagers at home with an unlimited credit card and we all know how that usually turns out.
Do you have any suggestions or comments on the content of this article. IT has already been reviewed by the White Hats representative.
Thanks for the information. A lot of Chinese were bribed with Iraqi oil by the Bushes to work against the White Dragon Society.
One of the other reasons that China has a huge club over America's corrupt government's head is because the PTB tried to pull a fast one a while ago: When China received some of their gold back from the Fed, they discovered that the lovely shiny bars they had been sent were just gold plated tungsten.
To say that China is unhappy about this might be a teeny understatement.
Now, there have been several updates from "Drake" this past week. I'm not embedding the videos here but will give you links:
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=gm_PrM9wgsY&feature=upl oademail
Here (video link above ^), Drake is talking about the Federal Reserve and the heaps of trouble they are in. I strongly suspect that THIS ARTICLE is showing some of the documents that Drake mentions being released. Along with the Leins placed against the Fed Res that David Wilcock outlined earlier this week, I am getting bits of other intel that the good ol' boys in the Federal Reserve are in serious serious trouble.
The site 2012: What's the "real" truth has put together a great run down of Drakes lates video update:
This news comes through a pipeline that has been accurate, but is unsubstantiated at this time.
Generals under the Joint Chiefs of Staff told everybody to shove it.
Secret Service is extraordinarily upset – ticked because they’ve been dumped on, as well as Delta Force. . . along with this there is Clinton partying in Columbia (SS got the pics). She was supposed to have been in Turkey at a Nuclear conference with Heads of State. Israel is livid. Clinton is not in her best situation right now.
UN under heavy investigation.
Central Banks in uproar because of some things filed against them. Same topic: DC was completely lost as to what to do, as well, running around like chickens without their heads.
GSA investigation. [See separate article with more info. ~J]Pinetta with all this recent fun and games with the military, Pinetta was told in no uncertain terms that he was not the boss of the military.
The arrests are going to be methodical (the word methodical is a guesstimate – very, very difficult to understand) , one at a time.
Last remark was, “The war is on.”
Now, take it this as rumor mill news if you want to. Drake has not heard back yet as to its validity. Drake goes on to say he has to be careful about divulging things because of the safety of those involved. It already has taken 14 lives, two of them children in a family, one at a time, with the message does that answer the question as to whether or not you should be doing this.
My final notes for today:
- do NOT invest in any banking products/investment for the next 6 months at least
- do NOT invest in bullion- buy up gold and silver in the form of old coins etc...
- the prosperity packages are being launched- I will be writing about this in much more detail later today or tomorrow... Hopefully
-be prepared for some very major changes and events- this includes having enough food and water and supplies for your family for at least 3-7 days... just in case.
...and finally: Spread the word!!!! If you KNOW what's going on, you have a responsibility to tell others.
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