Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

On eBooks and Indie Writers

I finally got a Kindle in June of last year. Yeah, I know. Kinda late to the game. When I first told my family I was the proud owner of a new e-reader, I had to do some apologizing. You see, my mom got a Kindle a year or two before. And I Publicly Lamented.

"Oh No! What are you doing?" (Cries) "That's not a book! That's not how you read books! It will never last!" (Insert weeping and gnashing of teeth.) "It's the end of civilization as we know it!" (Falls onto couch and sobs.)

Needless to say, I came to my senses. And while I still lean toward print books, I have to admit that my Kindle is filling up pretty quickly thanks to publisher sales and new indie titles.

Since I've become a Kindle owner, one thing I've noticed is that the titles I'm reading are diversifying. I still read 75% YA, but now I'm buying indie books that I might not normally read otherwise, because the summary looks enticing and/or the price is right. Last year, I read 34 books. Nine of those were ebooks. So far, I've read nine books in 2012. Seven of those are ebooks. Do you see where I'm going with this?

The thing I love most about epubbing is that I'm in complete control of the whole story. What many writers fail to realize about "New York" is that, once your story is accepted for publication, it's not YOUR story anymore. An editor will go in and ask for changes. A copy editor will ask for changes. A graphic artist and sales team will sit down and come up with a cover that they think will make the book saleable (whether you like it or not). . . . And that's not necessarily a bad thing. I have nothing against "New York." That's just how they operate.

The best thing about reading indie authors, though, is that the story is 100% their own. No one tried to fit them into a cookie cutter category or cram their story into a mold to follow a "trend." My stories are 100% Katie Klein, and, while I realize not everyone will enjoy them, at least I know the story I wrote is the story that was in my heart to tell.

This has never been more apparent to me than after reading the new IN HIS EYES anthology.

(Begin Shameless Plug)

Sixteen stories from sixteen authors from sixteen different guy narrators. No two stories are the same. No two stories are even CLOSE to being the same. Each is its own unique creation, full of heart and imagination. And "New York" might stick its head in the sand and pretend not to notice this little Indie Revolution, but, while they're doing that, they're missing out on some insanely gifted writers.

But that's okay, because stories that were previously overlooked are now making their way into the world. This leaves me, the reader, with more titles from which to choose. More options. And let me tell you: there are some real gems out there.

IN HIS EYES is FREE on Smashwords. Even if you've shied away from Indie titles before, I dare you to download it and not find a new book to add to the top of your TBR pile.

I Dare You. :)

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