Rabu, 07 September 2011

Suburb announcement very soon...

Hi Everyone

This week has been non stop driving! Finding out parking options, what's nearby, local businesses we can help support, transport options, you name it, i now know where it is. I'm really excited about  moving to a new area and finding all it's hidden gems, and very soon, i'll spill the beans about which suburb we'll be in!

I cannot tell you how excited i am about all of our fabulous designers officially on board now. Parents are going to be like kids in candy stores. 

I am in the process of setting up the website and store product system now,  i should have the product spreadsheets ready in the next couple of days.  I have also set up the official Kids Style Hub email system now too, so from now on you will be seeing emails from me as nicoleh@kidsstylehub.com.au. The old email addresses are still valid for another year as i phase them out though. 

Our launch date is still slightly adjustable and will be between the 1st and 15th October. It just depends on how quickly i can move into the premises and start fitting out. Oh how i wish i had a magic wand and could just make things happen when i want them to! 

Is everyone a KSH facebook liker? And as designers, make sure you also sign up to the style mag and customer newsletter roll out here so you can keep up to date on how we market your products and offer any suggestions of what you think we should include. We're all part of the team! 

Right off to do a million things at once! Keep any questions rolling in, i may be busy but i'm never to busy for our gorgeous designers. 

Happy designing

Nicole Herrick

Blog I Style Mag I Facebook

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