Occam's Razor is the first expression, I believe, of the principle to KISS - keep it simple, then you're not stupid. It talks about the fact that the simplest explanation for an occurrence is the best.
In early times, it was taught that the sun revolved around the earth. Copernicus was punished because he disagreed with this teaching and said that the earth revolved around the sun. The proponents of the incorrect theory, introduced a host of extra rules and exceptions to try and justify their incorrect view. Copernicus' proposition was a simple explanation to all the observations and of course, simple was best and correct.
In our trading, we try too hard to complicated things. Order flow determines market direction. It has to. Liquidity providers take the other side of the trade but eventually they too have to join the direction of the order flow to cover.
Until their is sufficient order flow in one direction and a trend develops, markets randomly move around reacting to short term orders.
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