Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

Wind blown and dried out

Just got back from the desert. I spent two days on site at FAR, I went out Thursday night, I was there to help unload some deliveries of steel and concrete block Friday Morning.  The deliveries are for new viewing bunkers as the existing viewing bunker has been over full and crowded for a couple of recent launches.

I also got 3000 lbs of 50% peroxide delivered. I think I’ve resolved my propellant supply.

I spent most of the day Friday working on our refining equipment. Saturday was a general FAR work party.  I’d hoped to run the first de-ionization steps on the new propellant, alas it was really hot and the temperatures were just too high to do this safely.  I’d also hoped to fly the blue ball under tether but it was too windy. I did fly the helicopter in 25+ MPH gusty winds and it did just fine.

I spent two full days working hard and accomplished one of my three primary goals for the trip. There are always lots of secondary goals to accomplish. Often simple things like: we now have 5 large  bottles of compressed nitrogen on site and I had no way to tie them all down properly. I’d been laying the bottles on their sides. Now the bottles are standing up and properly restrained  to the container wall.


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