Minggu, 19 November 2006

This weekend.

I indirectly worked on project related stuff all weekend. On Friday night My son and I drove out to the FAR site and camped out. The stars were amazing. All day On Saturday
we worked on the FAR large vertical test stand. My son Paul welded and I did whatever to help. There were 8 of us who worked most of the day. The test stand should be ready to pour in another two work days. The picture shows the outside of the forms, Its going to be u shaped and the flame bucket faces the picture. there is going to be a 30 foot steel tower on top. Its being built for a nominal capacity of 30Klbs but it could probably do more for short periods.

Sunday, now that my final inspection is done on the house, I spent the whole day working on organizing things that could not be done before final inspection.

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