Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Some Interesting bits and pieces from here and there

Well my friends, I hate to admit it, but I'm too damn brain dead and tired to write a "real" article today.... or yesterday for that matter, lol.  Sorry- I promise I'll find my last brain cell tomorrow.. or maybe the day after.

I've had a pile of interesting articles sent my way though and thought I'd share some of them with you.  I've just spent over an hour trolling the various news sites to see what's happening in the world and basically this is it:

-fiscal cliff
-debt ceiling reached
-poor ol' Hillary's "blood clot"
-kim kardashian is pregnant
- oh, and the fiscal cliff

That's about it, all the news in the news. Oh and what the fashionable people wore in 2012.   

There, now you don't even have to waste your time looking.

On with the interesting links.

 These first two don't even surprise me, but pisses me off royally:

U.S. Government owns the patent on cannabis cures...

United States Patent
Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants 
Assignee:The United States of America as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services (Washington, DC) 
Appl. No.:09/674,028
Filed:February 2, 2001

Seals: Killers of Osama Dying or Being Killed?

(... not that they actually "killed" Osama, unless they dug up his corpse and shot it a few times just to be sure.  But I digress)

Hillary Clinton hospitalized after doctors discover blood clot

Poor ol' Hillary.  I'm thinking that her anklet was too tight and popped that vein in her ass, I mean, head

Der Spiegel mistakenly published an obituary of George HW Bush

I've searched and can't find a screen shot of this, but damn it's funny.

Edited 01/01/12 8:11am est to add:

RTS reader Galactic Human did some digging and found this screen shot:
Thanx GH!

Israel's former foreign minister indicted on fraud charges,0,4069446.story

Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Nmart Andhra Pradesh High Court Case Update on December 31st, 2012:

Today in High Court due to some technical reasons all the cases related to bail including our cases were adjourned. Next listing is on Thursday 03rd January, 2013.

Associates have patience. Favorable results will come soon.

Link by  
Jitendra Dubey
Nmart Associate (send friend request for regular updates)

Indie Writer Resolutions for 2013

Happy New Year everyone. Here's wishing you the best in 2013!  

As 2012 comes to an end, I find myself thinking about the coming year. I don't know about you, but I expect great things from myself and my characters in 2013. To reach my personal goals, I've developed these top ten writing-life resolutions. 

10. I will write every day. (And editing does NOT count as writing)

9. I will not obsess over shiny new ideas before completing tried and true, almost finished novels.

8. I will not check sales figures more than once a day for any reason.

7. I will believe in myself and my writing.

6. I will allow myself time to read for pleasure.

5. I will give myself permission to write a crappy first draft and then further permission to rewrite that story as many times as needed. 

4. I will not be pressured to release a book before I believe it to be perfect and worthy of my fans.

3. I will continue to be thankful, every day, for every fan.

2. I will back up every version of my documents early and often in an organized way that makes them easy to recover.

1. I will try something new and stretch out of my comfort zone.

How will you turbo charge your Indie writing life in the new year? What are your resolutions?  

G.P. Ching is the author of The Soulkeepers Series, The Grounded Trilogy, and a variety of short fiction. She specializes in cross-genre paranormal stories, loves old cemeteries, and enjoys a good ghost tour. She lives in central Illinois with her husband, two children, a brittany spaniel named Riptide Jack and a very demanding guinea pig. 

PI Commodity Relations tool

Just a short quick post to link a really nice interactive planetary interaction chart I found today.

Planetary Interaction commodities relatiions

You mouse hover over a PI material or product and it highlights the relationships between it and other materials and products. Makes it easy to see exactly what things are used for and what it takes to make  them.

Although I don't do any PI now, I wish I'd had this chart when I was doing it.


Judge Christine Miller of the Court of Federal Claims (COFC) has just issued an opinion denying injunctive relief to a contractor complaining that the Air Force's decision to in-source work the contractor had been performing violated statutory law.  The contractor contended that the Air Force violated the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2012 which requires the Secretary of Defense to ensure that the cost of performance by a contractor compared to the cost of performance in house would be equal to or exceed the lesser of 10% of the personnel costs of performance or $10 million.  Since the savings was 7.9% the contractor argued the in-sourcing decision violated the statute.

Judge Miller writes a veritable treatise on the key legal issues in bringing such a suit.  This is great reading for lawyers.  First, she addresses subject matter jurisdiction saying "prudential standing" must be considered after first determining jurisdiction.  The key statutory requirement on jurisdiction is whether the alleged violation occurred in connection with a procurement or a proposed procurement. After a thorough discussion, she determines the definition includes the process for determining a need for property or services.  The Air Force's decision to in-source involved such a process.

Next, Judge Miller examines whether the contractor was an interested party.  The contractor was, after all, the incumbent contractor, and after a lengthy explanation, Judge Miller finds that the contractor was an actual or prospective bidder with a direct economic interest in the procurement or proposed procurement.  Given the opportunity, the contractor would have as substantial chance of performing the services in the future.  There also was an issue of mootness in the case.  Because there was an option period remaining on the contractor's contract, Judge Miller found she could fashion a remedy and the case was not, therefore, moot.

Judge Miller than tackled the issue of prudential standing.  Prudential standing requires that a contractor's grievance must arguably fall within the zone of interests protected by the statute invoked in the suit.  Department of Defense (DOD) procedures required by the statutory provisions in the NDAA limit DOD's ability to convert from contractor to civilian performance.  Therefore, the contractor came within the zone of interests protected by the NDAA and the contractor accordingly has prudential standing.

But Judge Miller denies injunctive relief primarily because the contractor's case failed on one of the four prongs of such relief, success on the merits of the case. Based on the timing of when the in-sourcing decision actually occurred, she holds the NDAA did not apply to the case at all.  The statute was not retroactive and the Air Force was not required to adhere to the 2012 NCAA because the events complained of occurred much earlier.  Although she found lack of success on the merits, Judge Miller also examined the irreparable harm to the contractor (existing), the balancing of the hardships (favoring relief in this case) and the public interest (determined against the contractor because no statute was violated).

We now have several opinions from the COFC upon which a contractor can seek judicial relief with regard to in-sourcing decisions.  But the bottom line is that such a suit will not stand any chance of success unless the contractor can show a violation of a statute. 

Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

More Rambling: Skype anyone?

Just a short ramble tonight as my head is telling me I really should be asleep by now.

So I'm thinking that I will do more research on the radio show idea, but if I go ahead, I will need technical help.... because as I've said numerous times, I'm a technical moron.  But I really am seriously thinking about doing this.  I've already had my merry friend offer to do the transcriptions of the show, but I'm sure she could use help in that area.

On the topic of The People's Trust that American Kabuki posted this week.... hahahahahah- yea.... I screwed up, or at least my email account did.   All the info was sent to me as well and Heather included me in all the email conversations  except every single one ended up in my spam folder!!!  The only reason I even found out was because I called AK today to talk about The People's Trust articles and paperwork and HE told me!!!  Needless to say I feel like a bit of a heel, and I've emailed Heather and the Trustees to apologize for not responding sooner, explained what happened and I've asked to set up a call to discuss it with Heather tomorrow.  I will say that after talking to AK today and reading all the info and emails, much of what Heather has told him gels with intel that I've had for a few months now.  I will definitely update everyone here once I've had a chance to discuss a few things with Heather.

Next topic: all the amazing conversations that have been going on here and the fantabulous people that have chosen to hang out at RTS.  I love love love reading all the discussions and I'm trying my best to keep up and to answers as many questions as I can.  I would really like to get to the point of being able to set up a forum for these discussions, just because it would be so much easier to follow along and keep track of the responses.  But for now, that's pretty much out of the question due to money.

So here is my thought:  I'm on skype- hell, I live on skype, lol- and I'm sure many of you are as well.  I can set up a "Removing the Shackles" skype room, where people can sit back, chill out, chat, discuss and share links and info etc...  Then I can participate easier, and it's easier to be able to read back to previous conversations, without jumping from one article to another.  What do you think? Not to take the place of the comment section, but to enable easier discussion between people.

If you want to be a part of the skype group, add me: d-breakingthesilence  to your contacts list, but PLEASE put a message in the contact request letting me know that you're from RTS, because I get a crap load of requests, and if I don't know the person, I just ignore them.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  I do NOT give out intel in skype.  Not only is it too easy for someone to C&P out of skype and send to other people, skype is one of the most monitored communication devices (worse than even facebook, twitter, google/msn chat etc...) and they ARE reading anything that contains buzz words- TRUST ME!  So please do not ask me for intel or information- If I can't post it here, then I can't post it there either. Just sayin'.

Anyway my wonderful friends, once again it's time for me to throw my head at the pillow and hope I don't miss.  Good night all!

Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Life as an alarm clock

We've talked about this topic for a while now in the comments of various articles here on RTS.  Everyone has their own opinion on the topic of "waking the sleepers". 

I thought it very timely that a good friend sent me this article this morning and we had a conversation on the topic- talking about how sometimes all it takes is a few words to suddenly open someone's eyes.

I have had the privilege of having several people enter my life that have guided my foot steps gently and a few that have very forcefully given me a good shove in the right direction. (Thank you Nicole).  

Some of the gentle guidance came from people posting a simple message on social media or a forum.  The first one I remember very clearly, was a woman who I barely knew posted a comment on a parenting forum that said "Do you know that there is antifreeze and formaldehyde in infant vaccines?"  To this day I can remember the stunned feeling I had when I read that. I immediately raced to the computer to look it up, mostly to refute it, and there is was..... confirmation from several sources that yes indeed those toxic chemicals are in infant and children's vaccines.  That lead me to researching other ingredients, and discovering other articles.... it steam rolled from there. 

I started researching everything on that very day, and I haven't stopped since then.  People have come along who've pushed me farther and faster, who've challenged my scope of view, who've forced me to question the limits I put on myself and the things that I thought were absolute truths.  I do not have even the smallest piece of anger or malice towards those people, no matter how painful some of the discoveries were.

Here's the thing:  would I be here today if some person I hardly knew hadn't of had the balls to post that information about vaccines?  What if that person had been too shy? Or didn't want to stir the pot?

Yes, given the fact that I'm damn sure my reason for being here at this moment in time is to be on this roller coaster ride, I probably would of woken up sooner or later, but.......?

Here's the thing, waking up the sleepers doesn't mean you have  scream at them and shake them so hard that they fall out of bed and give themselves a concussion!  It can mean just sticking your head in their room and quietly calling their name.  It can mean gently tapping them on the shoulder and telling them it's time to get up....

If your buddy has slept through his alarm clock and is going to be late for work, wouldn't you rather at least attempt to wake him up, instead of shrugging and walking away? .... if he throws the alarm clock at you and rolls over and goes back to sleep, that's his choice.  You made the effort to help him. 

As for me, I'm a loud mouth knowitall (ask my friends, they'll tell you).  When I know a truth, I have to share it.  I'm gentle. I'm not pushy (much). And if someone throws the alarm clock at me, I will just walk away and let them sleep. (for now).  But I cannot just ignore the fact that my friend has slept in too long.  Maybe I'm just a walking alarm clock. Maybe that's my job.  I don't know.  I just know that I let my gut guide me as much as possible.

We all have a job to do here.  Wayshowers light the way.  There is no greater light than truth in my opinion.


Minesweeping for Truthers

“Being the change we want to see in the world” is first and foremost. Our lifestyles, disengagement from the matrix and raising of consciousness being paramount.
But with that comes activity. We cannot be consciously aware of what’s truly going around us without being prompted and moved to tell others what’s going on and doing something about what’s set before us.
And you never know just what wonderful energy you might be releasing into the fray when someone you affect joins the Awakening.

No Stone Uncovered or Tunnel Unexplored – The Passion for Truth

This expression, “don’t leave one stone uncovered” is a true searcher’s motto. Whether it be forensics, detective work, investigative journalism or literal archeology. This clearly also applies to the passionate alternative researcher’s methodology. Leave no part of the rabbit hole labyrinth unexplored.
Those who experience a genuine wake up go on a personal campaign of truth finding and have their lives so fundamentally altered they’ll never be the same.
And some run with it! I was one, I went ballistic! How could you not try to scream from the housetops what you’ve found out when it’s so vastly profound and all encompassing? Especially when the very lives of those you love and everything on the planet is at stake!
However, many get muzzled. Mostly by themselves, and worries about what others will think, fear of rejection or humiliation. The beauty of a true wake up though is you no longer care what others think in that regard. In fact, you don’t want to convince others so much as get them looking for themselves. But there has to be something that gets them started.

It Just Takes One Spark to Ignite a Bonfire

You never know who you are influencing. At all times. Someone may be watching you from a distance, knowing what you’re about to some degree, and is watching your life transform and whether you live up to what you. Some may be people who argue in your face, even close friends, who appear to reject everything you even start to say. In many cases they may be just testing you while actually thinking a whole lot more about what you’re saying than it appears.
Many are at the end of a mind-blowing email with an eye-opening article or YouTube video that puts them over the top. Some visit a blog that leads to another that leads another and WHAMO! It hits home.
You never know!
It may be someone you discretely stop and point out a heavily criss-crossed chemtrail sky to and the scales fall off their eyes, at least about that subject. I’ve seen it happen. A website and a few key words may set them into a massively changed and charged life of activism!
We never know!

If You Don’t Tell Them, Who Will?

What if the person you get the pull to talk to is getting as close as they’ll get to an awakened person at the time you happen across their path? It happens. There are always ways people can find the Truth for themselves, but what if? What if the comment or gesture you would have made was the nudge that would cause their life to veer in a completely different direction at a point that was just perfectly laid out by Universe?
Sure, there will be other chances, but when?
Especially with a world rushing headlong into a Totalitarian clampdown. Then what chance will we have? The only way to respond is to respond in any way we can. I promise, if you get the boat in motion, the rudder will take effect!

Where’s Waldo?

They’re out there. You and I were out there. Now we’re Here. Home at last in the eternal Now. Others are either still looking, or under a spell. I just want people to know if you look with the eyes of expectancy and yield to that inner voice, you might just help wake up some amazing movers and shakers in addition to the other dear souls that will be ever grateful, each of whom will have a ripple effect as well.
We preach to ourselves a lot in this alternative media, but there’s nothing wrong with it. We get inspired, educated and hence armed for battle, if you will. It’s empowering and we need all the juice we each can get during these times. And it will be increasingly so in the days to come. The wonderful thing is, better than solar or nuclear power, consciousness is infinite and always accessible.
As we learn to tap into the True resources more and more we’re going to be seeing some amazing things in the days to come. When darkness falls, the light of Truth appears to shine all the brighter!

Spontaneous Combustion

The wake up has its own wonderful dynamics which we can’t begin to fully fathom. But we can each do our part to facilitate changes in situations we encounter, or find ways to broadcast the awakening and its loving, enlivening and enlightening vibrations for greater and greater availability.
Seeing someone catch fire with the Truth and the passion of conscious, responsible awareness it engenders is perhaps the most gratifying experience anyone could encounter.
I’ve had 3 one hour conversations with someone staying in the same accommodations I’m currently at and she cannot get enough. She works in one of, if not the biggest defense contractor firms in the world. She’s down to earth and knew something was up, but when we embarked on the journey through the maze one thing leading to another, there was not one place she couldn’t see how what she had been told “ain’t necessarily so”. Yesterday she was on her phone to her daughter, who was at one of our long conversations, telling her daughter to “look up at the sky, the chemtrails are massive today”.
A week ago she never noticed them.
That’s how it works. Where she goes with what she’s now been introduced to, I do not know. But I sure like to imagine. ;)
Keep the Awakening rolling. Look for openings and listen to the nudges.
Minesweeping for Truthers – it’s a blast! Literally.
Love, Zen

Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Just rambling: What do you think about a "radio" show?

Good morning my friends!!  This is just a quick morning ramble about a few things I have on my mind.  I have been thinking for a while (ok, a lot longer than "a while") about starting my own online radio show- not necessarily a regular weekly show, but to get together occasionally to chat, and to interview/chat with various people on different topics.  There are several people that I want to talk to on a whole bunch of topics, ranging from financial/political changes, energy changes, earth changes, ..... yea, about all the changes we are seeing and experiencing.

What's happening: past, present and future.

On that note, this morning I'm looking through the world of online radio show hosting and sussing out the various ins and outs of each one. ...... yea, I'm confused, lol.  

Do you guys have any suggestions?  Any experience with the format and different companies- like blogtalk radio for example?  I'm seriously over my head on this one as my knowledge about technical stuff is about on par with moron.

I'm looking for a format/platform that will allow us to have 2-3 hour time slots- whenever we feel like it, with the ability to take callers, and to, of course, record and archive each show.  If we can incorporate an online scrolling chat where people could ask questions and discuss topics with each other at the same time, and where I could post links, that would also be an excellent addition.

...and of course all this must be free. Absolutely free. I asking too much? (lol)

Give me your thoughts and ideas my friends.

And on a completely unrelated topic- I took the evening off last night and became an asparagus on the couch and watched a movie for the first time in a long time.

*** Note:  Dark Knight Rising has now been relegated to the dusty top shelf, along with the Phantom Menace, Batman & Robin, Catwoman, and Hulk 1...... two hours of my life that I will never get back.


Such is Life.


This is the third in a series of comments on the Professional Services Council (PSC) and Grant Thornton LLP study report on acquisition's unabated crisis.  Here, we suggest some antidotes for recovery.

  1. More Myth Busting.  The report quotes respondents to the survey as generally applauding the Office of Procurement Policy (OFPP) myth busting memos but they were "not widely distributed" and they "need to be pushed". They need to get "marketed".  Not only that, OFPP needs to write more of them.  And senior procurement professionals need to help by suggesting new myth busting topics.  Myth busting is the singular most important and potentially effective initiative undertaken in the procurement field in decades. 
  2. Institute a Help Hotline.  We've considered a mentor/protege program with retirees serving as mentors and rejected it as impracticable and unworkable.  However, a well-designed and properly administered help hotline has a real chance of success.  Well-screened retiree volunteers could handle requests for advice and counsel based on their particular field of experience and expertise.  
  3. Fix the Debriefing Debacle.  The myth busing memos just didn't go far enough.  It's time to require oral debriefings and to enforce the regulation on what's discussed.  And finally, it is time to release redacted copies of the source selection evaluation board report and the source selection decision prior to the debriefing.  Enough is enough.  Transparency begins here.
  4. Fix the LPTA Debacle.  The pendulum has swung back to advertised procurement now know as sealed bidding.  Best value is not LPTA.  LPTA is tantamount to sealed bidding.  Follow the tried and true rules in FAR.  Get rid of LPTA in Part 15 and call a spade a spade.  If the goal is lowest price, technically acceptable, use Part 14.
  5. Educate the Lawyers.  One participant in the PSC/Grant Thornton survey said the myth busting memos "had a positive effect because we had general counsels saying, 'no, you can't talk to contractors at all.'"  We know because we've been there.  In house lawyers can be facilitators or obstructionists.  We believe too many lawyers are the latter.  They need to go to school taught by non lawyers who explain what clients are looking for.  Their clients want them to act as facilitators.  They should be helping their clients.  They also need help on how to negotiate.
  6. Train by the Case Study Method.  Law schools have been doing it forever.  The only way to learn is by the case study method.  In procurement, we have the opportunity to train by real life case studies.  Experience is the best teacher.  Next best is training by reviewing and analyzing actual cases.  
We've heard from the cynics who badmouth the myth buster memos.  But they are a small minority and insignificant in their negative influence.  We applaud the leadership of OFPP.  They are the thinkers and the writers.  It's up to the rest of us to follow through.  Senior procurement executives must discharge their leadership responsibility by making sure the OFPP messages are carried out in the field. Neophytes need the initiative to follow OFPP's best practice guides (that's really what the myth buster memos are).

Hopefully, we will see more myth buster memos.  As for the other antidotes, let us know what you think.

Nmart Andhra Pradesh High Court Case Update on December 27, 2012

Today in High Court strong arguments were made from our advocate which made the Public Prosecutor dumb at one place. For some reasons Public Prosecutor asked for two days more time. Therefore all cases related to bail were adjourned. Next listing date is on Monday 31st December, 2012.

Associates have patience. Today’s instance has made hope for getting result in our favor. Also in our case we are getting quick dates. It means some result will come soon.

Information to share with you is our management team, Saleem Khan, Akhil Patrawala, Prateek Desai and Hiren Dewani who were in Guntoor jail, has got bail in all cases. They are busy in some legal formalities in Andhra Pradesh. Dr Riyaz Mushrif and Prashant More were not involved in any case. Now onwards very soon we expect the entire six person’s availability of giving official updates regarding the company.

Link by 
Jitendra Dubey
Nmart Associate (send friend request for regular updates)

Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Writing for Teens But Pleasing Adult YA Readers Too?

This is a struggle that many writers of Middle Grade and Young Adult literature must have. We see it in the movies all the time. You take your kid to see a Disney Movie like, TANGLED or SNOW WHITE and find that there is entertainment value for both adults and kids.


Considering that most authors have to go through a vetting process of getting their manuscript to a Literary Agent who then reads and re-pitches it to an editor at a Publishing house. The editor at the publishing house reads it and then re-pitches it to the publisher to purchase.

All of these adults are reading your book that you meant for a Young Adult or Middle Grade kid to enjoy. And trust me kids and adults have very different reading perspectives.

KIDS like it but ADULTS don't

There are many cases where my kids love a book or a movie that I dislike because doesn't have the same type of substance that I'd want. There are also certain types of things I enjoy in which they read because it has a little something in it for my adult self also. Whether it's the adventure, the action, the young romance or the intelligence of the character.


In order to meet that TRANSITION status of super love from both your audiences - because as a YA and MG author I've realized now that I have two audiences - I have the adult audience that reads YA and MG. Then there is the actual audience of Middle graders (11yrs-14yrs) and Young Adult (14yrs-17yrs) to focus on.

How does one author find that same mix?


Should we? Put a lot for our kid audience in there -and consider a bit for our adult gatekeepers? Adult readers that want to relive their youth in books? What is the proper mix?

Honestly, I can't say I've figured it out yet. My teen beta readers (of which I'm lucky to have a good number) want action, adventure, a smudge of romance and more action. My adult readers want a slower pace in order to catch on to the story, figure out where they are and to savor the moments.

WHAT ARE YOUR ADULT EXPECTATIONS OF MG? or YA? and HOW DOES YOUR TASTE DIFFER from the intended audience of the genre of books you read?

Just remember while writing you will never make every reader happy, but as an artist of words we authors do try :-D

by: LM Preston, Young Adult & Middle Grade author,

The Other 90%: Russian DNA Discoveries

Our friend McCroft posted this link here on RTS as a comment on an earlier article.  A huge thank you McCroft- this is brilliant and I will be doing further research on this asap!

I'm C&P the entire paper here so that everyone doesn't have to download it if they don't want to, but the original paper can be downloaded HERE.

I have argued with people for years that there is no such thing as "Junk DNA", that sooner or later we will discover a whole new world in this 90% of our DNA that currently is an unknown story and hence ignored by western scientists. Last week I had a long discussion with a good friend of mine about the fact that I fully believe that the secret to our "ascension" and the moving past this 3D existence was locked away in our unknown DNA.

When humans are only using a tiny portion of their brain capacity and only 10% of their DNA... anything is possible once the rest is turned on.

Russian DNA Discoveries
Explain Human
'Paranormal' Events

Edited and Translated from German Text

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.
The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more.
In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered "junk DNA."
The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore that 90% of "junk DNA." Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary!
According to their findings, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code - especially in the apparent "useless" 90% - follows the same rules as all our human languages.
To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar (language) and do have set rules just like our languages. Therefore, human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.
The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA. In brief the bottom line was: "Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation." This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray which influenced DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself.
Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) is of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven!
Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies (sound) are being used. This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language.
While western researchers cut single genes from DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically created devices that influence cellular metabolism through modulated radio and light frequencies, thus repairing genetic defects.
They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome. So they successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns! This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA.
This represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution and sensation: by simply applying vibration (sound frequencies) and language instead of the archaic cutting-out procedure!
This experiment points to the immense power of wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms than the biochemical processes of alkaline sequences.
Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.
Of course the frequency has to be correct. And this is why not everybody is equally successful or can do it with always the same strength. The individual person must work on the inner processes and development in order to establish a conscious communication with the DNA.
The Russian researchers work on a method that is not dependent on these factors but will ALWAYS work, provided one uses the correct frequency. But the higher developed an individual's consciousness is, the less need is there for any type of device: one can achieve these results by oneself. Science will finally stop laughing at such ideas and will confirm and explain the results. And it doesn't end there.
The Russian scientists also found out that our DNA can cause disturbing patterns in a vacuum, thus producing magnetized, interdimensional wormholes! Wormholes are by definition the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges in the vicinity of black holes (left by burned-out stars).
These “wormholes” are tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness. This process of hyper-communication (aka telepathy) is most effective in a heightened state of relaxation, produced by meditation and/or sessions of intense prayer.  The scientists were stunned to find that portions of in vitro samples of human DNA, housed nearly a mile away from the individual entering a deeply meditation state, actually disappeared into a “wormhole” only to re-appear minutes after meditation and prayer ended.
Stress, worry or a hyperactive intellect prevent successful hyper-communication or the information will be totally distorted and useless. In nature, hyper-communication has been successfully applied for millions of years. The organized flow of life in insects proves this dramatically. Modern man knows it only on a much more subtle level as "intuition." But we, too, can regain full use of it.
As an example from nature, when a queen ant is separated from her colony, the remaining worker ants will continue building fervently according to plan. However, if the queen is killed, all work in the colony stops. No ant will know what to do. Apparently, the queen transmits the "building plans" even if far away - via the group consciousness with her subjects. She can be as far away as she wants, as long as she is alive.
In humans, hyper-communication is most often encountered when one suddenly gains access to information that is outside one's knowledge base. Such hyper-communication is then experienced as inspiration or intuition (also in trance channeling). The Italian composer Giuseppe Tartini, for instance, dreamt one night that a devil sat at his bedside playing the violin. The next morning Tartini was able to note down the piece exactly from memory. He called it the Devil's Trill Sonata.
For years, a 42-year old male nurse dreamt of a situation in which he was hooked up to a kind of knowledge CD-ROM. Verifiable knowledge from all imaginable fields was then transmitted to him that he was able to recall in the morning. There was such a flood of information that it seemed a whole encyclopedia was transmitted at night. The majorities of facts were outside his personal knowledge base and reached technical details of which he knew absolutely nothing. When hyper-communication occurs, one can observe in the DNA, as well as in the human, supernatural phenomena.
The Russian scientists irradiated DNA samples with laser light. On screen, a typical wave pattern was formed. When they removed the DNA sample, the wave pattern did not disappear, it remained. Many controlled experiments showed that the pattern continued to come from the removed sample, whose energy field apparently remained by itself. This effect is now called phantom DNA effect. It is surmised that energy from outside of space and time still flows through the activated wormholes after the DNA was removed. The side effects encountered most often in hyper-communication in humans are inexplicable electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the persons concerned.
Electronic devices like CD players and the like can be irritated and cease to function for hours. When the electromagnetic field slowly dissipates, the devices function normally again. Many healers and psychics know this effect from their work: the better the atmosphere and energy, the more frustrating it can be for recording devices as they stop functioning at that exact moment. Often by next morning all is back to normal.
Perhaps this is reassuring to read for many, as it has nothing to do with them being technically inept; it means they are good at hyper-communication.
In their book Vernetzte Intelligenz, Grazyna Gosar and Franz Bludorf explain these connections precisely and clearly. The authors also quote sources presuming that in earlier times humanity had been just like the animals: very strongly connected to group consciousness and thereby acted as a group. In order to develop and experience individuality, however, we humans had to forget hyper-communication almost completely.
Now that we are fairly stable in our individual consciousness, we can create a new form of group consciousness - namely one in which we attain access to all information via our DNA without being forced or remotely controlled about what to do with that information. We now know that just as we use the internet, our DNA can feed proper data into the network, can retrieve data from the network, and can establish contact with other participants in the network. Remote healing, telepathy or "remote sensing" about the state of another can thus be explained. Some animals know from afar when their owners plan to return home. This can be freshly interpreted and explained via the concepts of group consciousness and hyper-communication.
Any collective consciousness cannot be sensibly used over any period of time without a distinctive individuality; otherwise we would revert to a primitive herd instinct that is easily manipulated. Hyper-communication in the new millennium means something quite different.
Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have a god-like power to create, alter and shape things on Earth! AND humanity is collectively moving toward such a group consciousness of the new kind.
Fifty percent of children will become a problem as soon as they go to school, since the system lumps everyone together and demands adjustment. But the individuality of today's children is so strong that they refuse this adjustment and resist giving up their idiosyncrasies in the most diverse ways.
At the same time more and more clairvoyant children are born. Something in those children is striving more towards the group consciousness of the new kind, and it can no longer be suppressed.
As a rule, weather for example is rather difficult to influence by a single individual. But it may be influenced by group consciousness (nothing new about this to some indigenous tribes). Weather is strongly influenced by Earth resonance frequencies (Schumann frequencies). But those same frequencies are also produced in our brains, and when many people synchronize their thinking or when individuals (spiritual masters, for instance) focus their thoughts in a laser-like fashion, then it is not at all surprising that they can influence the weather.
A modern day civilization which develops group consciousness would have neither environmental problems nor scarcity of energy: for if it were to use such mental powers as a unified civilization, it would have control of the energies of its home planet as a natural consequence.
When a great number of people become unified with higher intention as in meditating on peace - potentials of violence also dissolve.
Apparently, DNA is also an organic superconductor that can work at normal body temperature, as opposed to artificial superconductors which require extremely low temperatures between 200 and 140°C to function. In addition, all superconductors are able to store light and thus information. This further explains how DNA can store information.
There is another phenomenon linked to DNA and wormholes. Normally, these super-small wormholes are highly unstable and are maintained only for the tiniest fractions of a second. Under certain conditions stable wormholes can organize themselves, which then form distinctive vacuum domains in which for example, gravity can transform into electricity. Vacuum domains are self-radiant balls of ionized gas that contain considerable amounts of energy. There are regions in Russia where such radiant balls appear very often.
Following the ensuing confusion the Russians started massive research programs leading finally to some of the discoveries mentions above. Many people know vacuum domains as shiny balls in the sky. The attentive look at them in wonder and ask themselves, what they could be.
I thought once: "Hello up there. If you happen to be a UFO, fly in a triangle." And suddenly, the light balls moved in a triangle. Or they shot across the sky like ice hockey pucks: they accelerated from zero to crazy speeds while sliding silently across the sky. One is left gawking and I have, as many others, too, thought them to be UFOs. Friendly ones, apparently, as they flew in triangles just to please me.
Now, the Russians found - in the regions where vacuum domains often appear - that sometimes fly as balls of light from the ground upwards into the sky, and that these balls can be guided by thought. Since then it has been found that vacuum domains emit waves of low frequency that are also produced in our brains and because of this similarity of waves they are able to react to our thoughts. To run excitedly into one that is on ground level might not be such a great idea, because those balls of light can contain immense energies and are capable of mutating our genes.
Many spiritual teachers also produce such visible balls or columns of light in deep meditation or during energy work, which trigger decidedly pleasant feelings and do not cause any harm. Apparently this is also dependent on some inner order, quality and origin of the vacuum domain. There are some spiritual teachers, like the young Englishman Ananda, for example, with whom nothing is seen at first, but when one tries to take a photograph while they sit and speak or meditate in hyper-communication, one gets only a picture of a white cloud on a chair.
In certain Earth healing projects, such light effects also appear on photographs. Simply put, this phenomena has to do with gravity and anti-gravity forces that are ever more stable forms of wormholes and displays of hyper-communication with energies from outside our time and space structure. Earlier generations that experienced such hyper-communication and visible vacuum domains were convinced that an angel had appeared before them: and we cannot be too sure to what forms of consciousness we can get access when using hyper-communication.
Not having scientific proof for their actual existence, people having had such experiences do NOT all suffer from hallucinations. We have simply made another giant step towards understanding our reality. Official science also knows of gravity anomalies on Earth that contribute to the formation of vacuum domains. Recently gravity anomalies have been found in Rocca di Papa, south of Rome.
All information is from the book "Vernetzte Intelligenz" von Grazyna Fosar und Franz Bludorf, ISBN 3930243237   The book is unfortunately only available in German so far. You can reach the authors here:
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