Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012



On date 29/10/2012 our all the cases were listed and were heard. Some orders are to be released within 2 to 3 days. Hope we may find good news regarding bank account and website. Our entire cases have been again listed on 23/11/2012 and 06/12/2012.
Any update regarding hearing will be updated only after authentic information only. So members please have patience and avoid rumorsspread by some seasonal leaders who come out from their rat holes.

Pratibha w/o Gopal Shekhawat Vs the State of Maharashtraand Ors WP/3210/2012

Pratibha w/o Gopal Shekhawat Vs the State of Maharashtraand Ors WP/3135/2012

New Look Multitrade (P) Ltd Vs the State of Maharashtraand Ors WP/3751/2012

Link by

Jitendra Dubey
Nmart Associate
http://www.facebook.com/jitendra.dube  (send friend request for regular updates)

Hopegirl: Fix the World Project- release

A Special Note to all HopeGirl Blog Readers Regarding the “Fix the World Project” Release

As mentioned in a previous post many people have been volunteering many hours get this information published and out to all of you. We have rose to each challenge, and there have been many! Our original plan was to release everything all at once, but since our project has run over its deadline I will be publishing sections of the project piecemeal as they are ready for publishing. Our goal is to have all sections published by the end of this week.
I ask that you please keep this in mind as you read through each section and please also remember that the work published as part of this project was written by 300 different people, so this should help to put some of the content in perspective.
It was necessary to publish the “From the People of Earth For the People of Earth Phase one How to” on the exact day that it was published due to events that are occurring in our world at this time. This letter was intended for a very specific audience, and we thought that it was only fair and right to publish this for all to see in an act of transparency. This was only one section (though be it a very important section!) of a much larger and more detailed plan that I will be publishing this week.
Thank you all for your patience as we get this information out to you as fast as we can. Once again here is the content we are planning on bringing to you this week:
1. The Summary- a step by step blueprint plan with detailed solutions to all of the world’s problems
2. The Appendix- each submission in its original format (about 500 pages long)
3. A Reference Library- filled with all references to already established projects and educational information taken from the submissions
4. An audio/visual presentation of the summary to help bring the essence of the work to life.
The Appendix has just been released in a separate post. I hope you enjoy reading all the submissions as much as we have!
Much Love,



Contractors are permitted to file a termination for convenience (T for C) proposal while a termination for default (T for D) is pending, even when the T for D is in litigation.  All Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) default clauses provide that improper T for D's will be converted to T for C's.  The government contract judicial tribunals have recognized that prior to the time the default is overturned, the contractor can submit its T for C settlement proposal and that proposal can be treated as a claim under the Contract Disputes Act (CDA) since the demand for T for C costs creates the dispute necessary to convert the proposal into a claim.  An appeal of the T for C claim, however, probably will be dismissed as premature without prejudice to reinstatement when the T for D is converted.

The reason contractors submit T for C proposals when they are terminated for default is that the conversion, when it happens, is deemed by law to have occurred at the time of termination for default.  That is, the T for C relates back to the time of T for D.  This means that legally, the contract was the subject of a T for C all along. This in turn means that settlement expenses incurred in connection with the T for C can be recovered from the time the contract was terminated for default.

Settlement expenses include contractor in house costs and outside consultant and attorney fees.  If the costs relate to and are properly allocable to the T for C settlement proposal, they can be recovered.  Thus, during the pending negotiation and litigation of the T for D, if the contractor engages in attempts to settle the case based on its T for C settlement proposal, the costs properly can be included in the T for C settlement proposal.  The contractor, consultants and attorneys keep separate accounts for litigation of the T for D and attempts to settle the case based on the T for C proposal.

As a practical matter, the smart contractor immediately prepares its T for C proposal when it appeals its T for D.  It allocates litigation costs to the T for D litigation account.  It also sets up a separate account for preparation and negotiation of the T for C settlement.  As it engages the government in discussions on conversion of the T for D to a T for C and payment of its T for C proposal, it charges its costs for that effort to the T for C settlement account.

As we've pointed out before, contractors may also include an equitable adjustment in contract price as part of its T for C settlement proposal.  The costs of this contract administration effort also are recoverable.  Each compensable change is an excusable cause of delay or non performance and equitable adjustments through the changes clause can avoid the application of the adjustment for loss formula and any limitation on recovery imposed by the original contract price ceiling.

Don't forget this blog site is word searchable.  To complete your research using these articles, you may wish to do a word search on related subjects.

bill@spriggslawgroup.com          www.spriggslawgroup.com

Update Oct 31: Frankenstorm, Benghasigate, and big ol' mess.

Here is a couple videos that show the evidence and a breakdown of how Hurricane Sandy was manipulated and the storm driven to exactly where "they" wanted it to go.

Here's is some more of that dirty brown foam on the beach How Storm Will Affect Investors: ‘Month to Remember’

And SuspiciousObservers update for today has short commentary worth taking note on the topic of geoengineering weather

Video on Elite War: http://youtu.be/cYDvhSwrRxA

About the threat in the Nuclear facilities- 26 of which were in the path of Sandy:

The unit at Oyster Creek is the same as Fukushima Daiichi No. 1: “Oyster Creek is one of the oldest US nuclear plants and is the same design as Fukushima unit 1.”-SimplyInfoRemember, Fukushima reactor number 4 was shut down for maintenance when the Japanese earthquake hit.  And yet the fuel pools at reactor 4 are in such precarious condition that they pose a giant threat to humanity.

Now, I've hinted at one of the reasons for the shut down of the NY Stock Exchange.  Let's face it, they didn't have any damage in the NYSE (regardless of what CNN said, lol), they could of kept the electronic trading sections opened, and that was the original plan as of Sunday night, but suddenly in the middle of the night, they decided to close down all trading with no notice.

...Why would they close it?  Is it because they powers that be knew it would crash on Monday?  Many of my sources warned of exactly that happening.  And if you're going to be doing certain things in the financial sector, it's that much easier to make changes if the Markets are not open, right?  The market has been artificially propped up for a long long time. In order to "fix" things, some of that "propping" needs to disappear, back into the pit from whence it came.  

With all of America's eyes on the projected (snort) path, and then the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, it gives the main stream media a reason to beat the storm drum and distract people from other news that's happening... can you say "Benghasigate"?

Right now, the truth of what actually happened (or at least, a slightly sterile version of the truth), is being leaked to the media and to the public.  What many people do not realize is the ginormous magnitude of this of the truth of what happened in Benghasi. 

Don't get me wrong- I do NOT like this guy and do not endorse him- BUT the information in this video is vital for people to understand the epic issues that engulf this situation.

Several sources have told me that this information- that O and the White House KNEW the attack was happening on the CIA outpost in Benghazi, and they refused to protect or help CIA Op "Ambassador" Stevens and the other Americans in the safe house- has been deliberately leaked to the media to force O's hand.  He didn't follow through with what he was suppose to do.  So they turned up the heat and next step in the "leaks" has kicked in. You might want to listen to these reports closely to watch for the expanding allegations and leaks and where they lead.  

These are fully arrestable and indictable offences. This is jail time. 

Add to this, the $43 Trillion Dollar Lawsuit - and if you think it's not real, then ask your self why the two young children of CNBC executive were murdered one day after CNBC broke the story in the main stream media, and then the story was immediately removed from their web site.

Add to this the fact that the news was broke that a Citizens Grand Jury has indicted both Biden and Obama:

OCALA, Fla.Oct. 30, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Larry Klayman, founder and chairman of Freedom Watch, today announced that President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden have been criminally indicted for having willfully released classified national security information concerning the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound, U.S. and Israeli war plans concerning Iran and their cyber-attack onIran's nuclear facilities. ...

A true bill of indictment was issued by a Citizens' Grand Jury in Ocala, Florida, who reviewed evidence and voted unanimously to indict Obama and Biden at 6:02 pm on October 29, 2012.
The authority for a Citizens' Grand Jury can be found at www.citizensgrandjury.com.
The criminal defendants, Obama and Biden, will now be given notice of their indictment, arraigned and then tried for their alleged crimes.....


So let's get back to Hurricane Sandy.  It was driven for a purpose. Even the name "Frankenstorm" strongly hints at the creation of this abomination. People lost their lives, their houses and property. Citizens- in several countries- are now without electricity in a season where the cold is seeping in. The death toll is now over 50 since Sandy's inception.  There are repercussions in the nuclear power industry that are very worrying.  There is the, albeit slight, chance that the elections will be delayed due to the power outages and the clean up in the aftermath of Sandy.

To quote SuspiciousObservers:  Eyes Open. No Fear.

To KNOW is the first step towards creating change.


Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

The Business plan info...

I'm on the space show tonight and I have been meaning to make the documents from the NewSpace business plan competition public... so here they are.
The goal was to assume the technology worked and to emphasize the business aspects.
So those that are looking for lots of technical details will be disappointed...

The Executive summary.

The Full Plan. (Written in a hurry while I had a 103 deg fever.)

The Slide deck... zipped up...

Facebook Page Size Guide (for non-techie users)

Find this infographic at www.Pinterest.com/Qlixite

A Word about Pixels...
A pixel is a unit of measurement used in digital imaging. It is the smallest controllable element of a picture represented on a digital screen. Facebook uses pixels to specify image sizes however they will automatically scale an image down to fit. We have given you image sizes in inches as well that are the proper ratio for easy use.

Cover Photo 851 x 315 pixels
(you could use an image 6.75” x 2.5”)

Profile Picture scaled to 160 x 160 pixels
(use a perfectly square image .75” or bigger)

Apps Images 111 x 74 pixels - add up to 10 apps
(you could use an image 1.5" x 1.0")

Images 403 x 403 pixels
(use a perfectly square image 1.35” x 1.35” for full visibility)

Status Post - max 63,206 characters
(approx. 10,000 words but only about 160 words will show in newsfeed with a ‘read more’ option)

Link Preview
     title tag
     url address
     meta description
(both can be edited by clicking on text)

Highlighted Post/Milestone 843 x 403 pixels
(you could use an image 6.25” x 3.0”)

Hurricane Sandy: Updates and links

 I will use this page to keep a running update of news on Hurricane Sandy.

Obama declairs major disaster for New York and Long Island

NYSE is NOT flooded!

Interesting flash meteorological maps- play with the different maps and the speed of the flash- i'm not a meteorologist, but it looks to me like there is some interesting things happening at the slowed down speeds.

a few more of the same type maps to compare here: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2012/10/29/evidence-of-weather-anomalies-modification-manipulation-directing-possibly-trying-to-create-havoc-with-hurricanes-anyone/

As I posted earlier this morning, someone sent to Greenpoint subway, which apparently was being reported on the news as being flooded, and the policewoman in the station verifies to the questioner that the station was never flooded.  http://fukushima-diary.com/2012/10/wheres-the-flood-live-update-from-brooklyn-ny-under-the-superstorm-sandy/   Business Insider News has an article yesterday about Hoboken PATH station being flooded: http://www.businessinsider.com/nyc-subway-and-hurricane-sandy-2012-10

...but every time this morning that I tried to search for a NY Subway directory to try to see how close the two stations are to each other (sorry, I don't know New York at all), all of the google links come up:

MTA Weather Advisory

Page not found

The requested page "/nyct/maps/submap.htm" could not be found.

Obama's speech Sunday: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50134051n

Now, SuspiciousObservers has an interesting point in his update today.  SO is saying that this storm is being modified- NOT through HAARP- to LESSEN it's impact.

Here is the link that SO posts about the '97 drill: http://weca.org/SET/report/node6.html

Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant in NJ declares an Alert and closes down: http://public-blog.nrc-gateway.gov/2012/10/29/nrc-continues-to-monitor-sandy-including-alert-at-oyster-creek-plant/

Sad news: the HMS Bounty sank off of the coast of N. Carolina yesterday- the Coast Guard are still searching for the Captain who went down with the ship

Hyre said the area of the search is about 83 square kilometres off the coast of North Carolina, close to where the crew decided to abandon ship after getting caught in 5.5-metre seas.
The Bounty sank several hours after the evacuation.
The 16 crew members of HMS Bounty tried to get to covered life-rafts but three of them were washed overboard in the process. One of the three people made it to the life-raft and was among the 14 people hoisted onto helicopters and taken to shore.

I will keep updating this article as any new news comes in.

Frankenstorm: Is it Live, or is it Memorex?

Well.... where I am, up in Great Lakes area near Erie, we are getting hit with heavy winds with gusts that are rattling the windows. And rain, but not much of that. So I can attest that where I am the weather is definitely cold and nasty.

An anonymous commenter sent me a link to the live cam at Times Square: http://www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/timessquare/?cam=tsrobo3

I have been checking it since 6am est (sleep is my nemesis) and while it's obviously damp, a few puddles here and there, there is no water running in the streets, no flooding. The flags are not ripping in the wind, people are now walking around, calmly sauntering along- not struggling in the wind, no one's coat is flapping, no one's hat is blowing off, and it's obviously not raining at the moment. 

Then there is the live feed of the storm watch on The Weather Network. I've attempted to embed the feed here, if it doesn't work here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXMU2qwCVag&feature=g-all-f

They are showing constant clips of raging snow storms, house fires, ambulances with sirens blaring, trees down, water flooding down streets.... with a litany of reporters talking about giant waves washing ashore, and how bad it all was. Reporting electrical outages in NY. Various mayors and government officials asking for a declaration of "disaster".

This adventurous person went for a wander around Brooklyn last night around 11pm: http://fukushima-diary.com/2012/10/wheres-the-flood-live-update-from-brooklyn-ny-under-the-superstorm-sandy/

Fukushima Diary went for a night patrol of Brooklyn NY.
Bedford Ave ~ Greenpoint
23:00 ~ 24:00  10/29/2012
Report :
There was no flood in this area except for east river from the interview with police officers.
Also, cardboards left on the street showed at least they were not flooded. Dead leaves were accumulated on the street, which also shows there was no flood in the area.
There was no black out along Bedford Ave and Manhattan Ave.
Only just one pole was found down on the street. Some bars and convenient stores were open with customers.
I saw 5~10 people walking on the street every 30 seconds.
I was more scared of police.
The wind was strong sometimes, I had spotty rain too. The rain was not salty like typhoon in Japan.
Subways were closed but the platform was not flooded, which you can see from the multiple dry paper trashes on the floor.
Pavement under the arcades were already drought.

I'm listening to the live feed of The Weather Network while writing this and a reporter just said that they turned off the power in Manhattan on purpose.

So here is what I'm asking:  Where are you and what are you seeing and hearing?  I will open the comments so that they post automatically without moderation.... don't get cocky trolls!- I will delete any comments that have no purpose and are deliberately derogative or demeaning.  

Let's create a feed of comments keeping everyone informed as to what's going on in YOUR area.

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

How to Think Outside the Box as a Small Business

See the Infographic @ http://Pinterest.com/Qlixite
The expression "Think outside the box," is synonymous with creativity, innovation and ideas. Everyone is looking for the next 'big idea' that could take a company from one among the crowd to leading the way to a whole new adventure. But as small business owners - we tend to think that in order to think outside the box - we have to have lots of...everything! We need more employees, more clients, more products and definately more money! Not true! Thinking outside the box is about fresh ideas and branching out from [your] normal mode of operation. You are perfectly primed to get your creative hat on BECAUSE you're a small business.

But here are some steps to get you out of the box.

Step 1 - Identify Opportunites
Opportunities lie everywhere you look in your business. Maybe it's your system of advertising, your style of customer service or the way you display your services. Start paying attention to your business flow and identify areas that are stale or where the 'same old, same old' isn't working like it used to.

Step 2 - Get Your Team Involved
Whether your business is made up of just you or a whole sales force - you have a team of people who support your business. This could include family, friends, managers, employees etc. These people want to see your business succeed. Get them involved in your crusade to think outside the box. Ask them to start thinking about areas that need work and encourage them to do so.

Step 3 - Focus on One Area
So now that you've been looking for opportunities for improvement - it's time to attack one. Pick an area or aspect of your business to focus on. Set a brainstorming meeting with your team and tell them the topic you guys are going to work on so they can hone their thoughts. Now your job is to focus on what you want to accomplish by attacking this one opportunity. Having a goal will help your team. If you want a different kind of customer - define who this person is. If you want to double the number of people who come to an event - be specific.

Step 4 - Unleash the Brainstorm
Get your team together and have a brainstorming session about how to improve your area of focus. Nothing is off the table here (unless it doesn't have anything to do with the opportunity). Don't worry about budget or the current system. No idea is a bad idea and brainstorming sessions tend to work better if the mood is light or funny. Give people crayons to write their ideas down. Print out a picture that illustrates your goal. Make your staff where goofy party 'thinking' hats. Sometimes it helps to have a word bowl (a bowl with random words written on pieces of paper) which can be picked from to stimulate new ideas - and possibly some humerous ones.

Step 5 - Practice & Polish
It make take some practice to hone the brainstorming skills of you and your team. Go for quantity versus quality. Get the creativity muscles working and the more you offer chances for unleashed ideas - the more easily they appear. Once you have your ideas - have a session that focuses on polishing a few of the good ones so that you can move towards implementing the idea into your routine.

Perfect Storm, Perfect Timing

Frankenstorm just keeps tickling the back of my brain.....

The NYSE is closed today and the US securities industries have shut down all trading today: 

The National Guard has been deployed to 7 states to support the local government during the Frankenstorm:


Nuclear facilities and oil refineries are bracing for impact from Sandy:


NY Mayor orders mandatory evacuation of several areas of NY:

All schools and public transit closed in several cities: 

And of course we have the fact that the HAARP frequencies are off the charts:

And now this video that clearly shows chem-dumps, chem-bombs and chemtrails constantly being dropped, steering and infusing Sandy with power

You won't believe your eyes when you see what this video reveals!!! Satellite and Radar captured Infrasonic Undulation, Chemtrails enmass and ChemDUMPING!!! Multiple weather system steering and super storm creation, right before your eyes!!!
Definately HTA - HAARP Type Array infrasonic undulation. But it's not just the array we know as HAARP in Alaska. It is a miraid of TTA network arrays working in concert. Arrays can be ground based, Satellite emitters, Field antenna signal boosters, flight based, ship based, mobile or even hand held. (Depending on the civilian or military use.) There are even TTA signal echo buoys thoughout our oceans. Ionospher fortified w-chemtrail as a reflective frequency mirror.


Besides the NDAA people should be reading up on Executive Order 13603, from  March 16, 2012: National Defense Resources Preparedness: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-03-22/pdf/2012-7019.pdf

I say it over and over again, I'm not into Fear Porn.  We have the "Perfect Storm" hitting the east coast.  We have the mainstream media DAYS AGO hyping up the expected power outages and shut down of nuclear reactors- BEFORE they even knew where it was going to hit. All public transportation in NY closed down, all businesses closed- including the Stock Exchange.  Military with their equipment all over the place.  We know that the military is crawling all over Washington DC.  The Main Stream Media has just announced that Obama has just up and left Florida to "head back to DC to monitor Hurricane Sandy".....
....Seriously?  They are flying INTO the storm?  I highly doubt that he's heading to DC.

The Perfect Storm. The Perfect Timing.

I am waiting on updates later today. I will keep you all in the loop as much as I can.

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Get your Spook On!

Welcome to Get your Spook On, where you’ll find over a dozen spine-chilling stories of the supernatural to put you in the Halloween mood. Hop through all ten blogs to read the spooky questions our authors have answered. Answer the questions yourself to be entered to win a $50 gift certificate to Amazon and one of four chapter critiques offered by a few of our amazing authors. Each question you answer will be worth one entry, so you can earn a total of ten chances by answering every question. To get additional entries, tweet the following or paste it to your Facebook status (and comment below to let us know you've done so):

Get your spook on! Ten authors share their scary stories and give out #Halloween treats. http://bit.ly/S3UE13

The deadline to enter is 6:00 PM EDT on October 31st. Check back here on November 2nd to see a list of winners.
 And now, here are our spooktacular books!

AFTER by Marla Bowie LePley (YA dystopian) Ger, Laney, and Jenny, three teens who have never met, live a terrifying existence after all the adults suddenly die. Each have their own story. Psychotic teenager, Roc, takes over a secluded mountain town and nurses a cruel fixation for Jenny. She may be the town's only hope and must choose between saving herself, or saving everyone else. Ger, having already experienced tragedy, doesn't know how to cope and is all too ready to give up. Laney, lonely and lost before the disaster, discovers unexpected love. But will it last? As Roc's evil begins to grow, the three of them must come together and find a way to end his reign of terror.

Created (book 3 of the Watched series) by Cindy Hogan (YA suspense)
Ari and her friends find themselves in an independent spy school in Belgium, Bresen Academy. Test scores reveal her true abilities and the director wants to send her onto to more advanced training school immediately. She is given a two week reprieve to explore the school's training program and hopefully make amends with both Reese and Marybeth. Despite her lack of advanced training, the director convinces Ari she would be the best fit for a mission that surfaces in Prague with a group calling themselves Division 57. Uncertain, but wanting to please, she agrees. She quickly discovers there is nothing easy about being a spy and finds her very life on the line.

Amazon      ( Get book 1 here)

Dead Heat by Lisa Nowak (YA paranormal/urban fantasy) Alex is a machine whisperer. He can tell what’s wrong with a broken-down car with a touch. But his gift can’t save him from the brutality of his meth-addict father. For two years, Alex experienced kindness through Cole, his mentor. Now Cole’s dead, and the violence in Alex’s life is escalating. When Cole reappears as a ghost, Alex clings to the tenuous link. Then he learns Cole might’ve sacrificed his chance to cross over. Jade, the first girl to look beyond Alex’s past, assures him Cole can reach the Other Side—if Alex escapes from his dad. But a previous terrifying attempt has convinced Alex it’s impossible. Unless he can find the courage to try, his friend may be earthbound forever.

Inky the Icky Black Spider by Laura Marshall (Children’s short story) Inky, the icky black spider is on a mission this Halloween night. His mission: to gain entrance to the impenetrable Victorian Manson to procure the mouthwatering candy that is stashed away inside. He’ll use all his spider skills to obtain access to the candy holding facility. But will all his training be enough? This Flash Fiction Halloween treat for the senses is sure to delight children of all ages.

Saving Halloween by Lisa Ard (middle grade/ tween paranormal) When book-smart Anne Parson meets Halloween Spavento, she sees exactly what she wants to see -- a friend. Halloween waves away trouble, magically silences school bullies and offers Anne unfailing friendship. But, when the Spavento family's enchanting exploits are exposed, will Anne face her fears and save Halloween? A spellbinding tale of outcasts who find acceptance, a girl who discovers the true meaning of family, and characters who are not always what they seem. 2012 Kay Snow Award Winner.

Shadow Slayer (book 2 of the Shadow series) by Laura Elliott (middle grade/ tween paranormal) Shadows will do anything to become human. You see their influence everyday. You say things you don’t mean or do things that aren’t like you. You look, different. Friends you’ve known forever suddenly never call. As a freshman, Roxie just wants to fit in which is impossible because she barely runs into her friends at her huge high school. Adrianne’s disappearance and Hayden’s attention rock Roxie’s world. But nothing rocks it like the most gorgeous guy at school, Drew. And nothing is more important to Roxie than astral projecting back to Planet Popular to solve the mystery of the map. But that changes when Drew invites Roxie to homecoming. Hayden warns her that something’s wrong. Why would a guy like Drew like Roxie anyway? Drew must want something. Hayden’s right. Drew is…different. Planet Popular was just the beginning. Part of a bigger world, the Shadow World. There’s a war brewing between the world of humans and the world of shadows. When the shadow invasion begins at Roxie’s high school, she’ll not only fight for her life but the lives of her family and friends, when she discovers she’s the Shadow Slayer, the one human who can save Earth from the shadow onslaught. But, Roxie can’t even kill a spider. Oh yeah, there’s an evil English teacher, an enchanted play, a sword of Sandonian steel, a homecoming of horrors, and seven magic words too.

Day of Sacrifice Omnibus by Stacey Wallace Benefiel (New Adult/Adult Urban Fantasy) Born to die, a group of Sacrifices and their Guardian Angels band together to kill the Gods and free the world. The Day of Sacrifice Omnibus is intended for adults due to language and sexual situations. All six Day of Sacrifice stories together in one volume!

Desolate (book 2 of the Desolation series) by Ali Cross (YA paranormal romance) Where darkness lives, all will become desolate. It’s been two months since sixteen-year-old Desolation Black chose Earth over Hell and her friend Miri over her eternal love, Michael. Desi goes through the motions of life: school, training, remaining vigilant against the forces of darkness, but her dreams are full of the choices she wishes she could change. When she’s injured by a strange demon, old temptations arise, and the lines between good and evil blur. Desi discovers those choices aren’t so final after all. And this time, the power of love—for a friend, for a lover—may not be enough to save her from the darkness that lurks within.

How to Date an Alien by Magan Vernon (YA science fiction) High school senior Alex Bianchi's estranged father gets her an internship at Circe Operations Center to pad her college applications. But Circe isn't your typical military base. It's an alien-run operation center and not all of the aliens are friendly, especially the one that tries to kill Alex on her first day. When Ace, a dark-eyed Caltian, enters and saves the day, she can't help but be drawn to him. Can these star-crossed lovers survive when they're on the brink of intergalactic war?

Italy the latest nation joining the Spaceship Program: Keshe

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 Post subject: Italy the latest nation joining the Spaceship program
Unread postPosted: 27 Oct 2012, 09:41 
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Joined: 28 Jul 2009, 17:40
From: Belgium Belgium 
Posts: 574

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According to the Keshe Foundation’s principle of transferring its technologies to every country on earth, we are proud to announce the nation and government of Italy has accepted the transfer of technology of the spaceship program of the keshe Foundation. 

On the 26.10.2012 at 4 pm as per pre-agreed appointment with the officials of the Italian embassy in Brussels in Belgium, The Director of the Keshe Foundation M T Keshe handed over to the officials of the Italian government, the representative scientific attaché, all full patents (public and hidden patents) of the Keshe Foundation, the blueprint of space reactor, the assembly unit of the reactor and the design of the space craft.

The transfer of technology as with the government of Sierra Leone was in the format of electronic data saved on a USB stick.

The official of the embassy immediately checked the content of the USB stick and confirmed that patent files and blueprints drawings are fully on the USB stick which they have recived. 

The session was video recorded and according to diplomatic protocol, as the video was taken within the premises of the Italian nation territory, it will be archived and will not be shown in public unless otherwise instructed by the Italian embassy and government.

Now the nation of Italy has become the first nation in Europe which has accepted the full transfer of technology of the spaceship program of the Keshe Foundation for bringing peace and prosperity to the nations of the world.

We welcome the scientists and officials of the Italian government and the nation of Italy to the Keshe Foundation spaceship program.

We have offered our full expertise and technical support to the nation of Italy representatives in the meeting, if they call upon the Keshe Foundation to see this development through.

As per previous discussions, we will bring all nations joining the spaceship program soon together that they can exchange know-how and knowledge on equal bases and scientific grounds.

We would like to thank all the Italian people and internet community groups which encouraged their government representative to attend the 6.9.2012 meeting at the Keshe Foundation center for the world government ambassadors, and now we see the fruit of your hard work.

The knowledge transfer has been done on no economical charge bases and it has been freely given to the nation of Italy by the Keshe Foundation as we have done with nations of Iran and Sierra Leone.

We will announce names of more nations as they will become part of the spaceship program in the coming weeks.

We welcome the Nation of Italy to the most advanced space program at the present, which will allow this nation to be able to put men in space before the end of the 2013.

The Keshe Foundation welcomes fellow Italian scientists to peaceful open spaces of the universe and to our space program.

Surely in the coming weeks and months your nation and the Keshe Foundation will make ground breaking technologies for the prosperity of your nation and mankind.

M T Keshe 

Director of the Keshe Foundation

West Coast Canada Earthquakes update

From the WATCHERS site:

Strong aftershock M 6.3 struck Canada’s Queen Sharlotte Islands region – Aftershock list

The Watchers Tweet Tweet Canada’s Queen Charlotte Islands region struck strong aftershock at 18:54 UTC on October 28, 2012 according to USGS. This is still preliminary magnitude but the event was reviewed by seismologist. Epicenter was located 159 km (98 miles) SSW of Masset, Canada at coordinates 52.633°N, 132.701°W. Recorded depth was 8.2 km (5.1 miles). EMSC reported this earthquake as magnitude 5.8 with depth of 5 km.   Magnitude 6.3 Date-Time Sunday, October 28, 2012 at 18:54:21...
  • The Watchers
  • 0
Canada’s Queen Charlotte Islands region struck strong aftershock at 18:54 UTC on October 28, 2012according to USGS. This is still preliminary magnitude but the event was reviewed by seismologist. Epicenter was located 159 km (98 miles) SSW of Masset, Canada at coordinates 52.633°N, 132.701°W. Recorded depth was 8.2 km (5.1 miles).
EMSC reported this earthquake as magnitude 5.8 with depth of 5 km.

  • Sunday, October 28, 2012 at 18:54:21 UTC
  • Sunday, October 28, 2012 at 11:54:21 AM at epicenter
Location52.633°N, 132.701°W
Depth8.2 km (5.1 miles)
Distances159 km (98 miles) SSW of Masset, Canada
245 km (152 miles) SW of Prince Rupert, Canada
343 km (213 miles) SW of Terrace, Canada
595 km (369 miles) WNW of Campbell River, Canada
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 18.5 km (11.5 miles); depth +/- 6.5 km (4.0 miles)
ParametersNST=281, Nph=281, Dmin=317.3 km, Rmss=1.32 sec, Gp= 83°,
M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=8
  • Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
    Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Event IDusb000dg06

Mainshock details

  • Sunday, October 28, 2012 at 03:04:10 UTC
  • Saturday, October 27, 2012 at 08:04:10 PM at epicenter
Location52.769°N, 131.927°W
Depth17.5 km (10.9 miles)
Distances139 km (86 miles) S of Masset, Canada
202 km (125 miles) SSW of Prince Rupert, Canada
293 km (182 miles) SW of Terrace, Canada
556 km (345 miles) NW of Campbell River, Canada
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 14 km (8.7 miles); depth +/- 4 km (2.5 miles)
ParametersNST=716, Nph=716, Dmin=267.2 km, Rmss=0.95 sec, Gp= 58°,
M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=A
  • Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
    Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Event IDusb000df7n

Tectonic summary by USGS

The October 28th, 2012 (October 27 at the location of the epicenter) M 7.7 earthquake south of Masset, Canada, occurred as a result of oblique-thrust faulting near the plate boundary between the Pacific and North America plates. At the location of this event, the Pacific plate moves approximately north-northwest with respect to the North America plate at a rate of approximately 50 mm/yr.This earthquake is likely associated with relative motion across the Queen Charlotte fault system offshore of British Columbia, Canada. Studies of tectonics in this region suggest plate motions are taken up by strike slip faulting parallel to the plate boundary, accompanied by lesser amounts of thrust motion to accommodate the oblique nature of the plate motion vector between the two plates with respect to the orientation of the main plate boundary fault structure. This oblique component of plate motion may involve either underthrusting of the western edge of the Pacific Plate beneath North America, or be taken up on crustal faults within the North America plate. The October 28th earthquake is consistent with either scenario. Its rupture extended approximately 100-150 km along strike, along the shallow extent of the source fault. Slip amounts reached approximately 5m, in a patch to the south of the epicenter. Aftershocks delineate the rupture well, as shown here.
This region of the Pacific:North America plate boundary has hosted 7 earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater over the past 40 years – the largest of which was a M 6.6 earthquake in 2009, 80 km to the south east of the 2012 earthquake. In 1949, a M 8.1 earthquake occurred closer to the Pacific:North America plate boundary, likely as a result of strike-slip faulting, approximately 100 km northwest of the October 28th earthquake, near the northern extent of Haida Gwaii region (formerly Queen Charlotte Islands). Summary report.

Aftershock list